“Well honey, no need to pretend alright? I know what type of girls you are. See some handsome guy and start hitting on them just to get a taste of them and leave in order to find another,” I reply her cold-bloodedly.

          “Well sir, you don’t know what type of girl am I so I’d appreciate that if you stop comparing me to my sister,” she says strictly and a little too loud now, as the classroom was empty.

          I say nothing but glare at her in hatred, but still I was to admit that she had the guts to walk up to me and reply to my vile comments.

          She walks away, clutching her book against her chest with both her arms. When she reaches the door, she stops and looks at me, I can see the distress in her brown eyes.

          “You do know that because of your behavior, you don’t have friends right? Stop pushing people away Kyle, I know how it feels to be lonely,” she says in a serene tone and leaves the classroom.

          I stand there motionless, as her last words keeps pondering in my head.

          I know how it feels to be lonely.

          Is that because I witnessed her break up with a bitchy friend of hers? No one has ever told me that they know how it felt to be lonely. No, she doesn’t know how it feels to be lonely. She has friends, most people here knows her and is really friendly with her. I was distracted from my thoughts when my phone started buzzing in my pocket.

          “Hey dear, when are you heading back? I am a bit scared, some of the girls came running back telling that there were chances of us being attacked tonight,” Violet says sounding apprehensive.

          I was bought back to reality after what Violet told me.

          “I am coming right away, don’t worry, just keep everyone inside and make sure all doors and windows locked,” I say hanging up.

          This can’t be happening. Since summer, there was no sign that those people existed in the city. Violet told me, after my departure from the city, only a couple of times this happened but then it’s been 3 months all these stopped. Was it because they knew I was here, or was there will to visit us today was for me?

          I was no time and get into my car. As I start it, I see Faith standing alone, near the bus stand. Where was her friends? Well at least where was that guy she seemed to hung out with?         

          I press the accelerator knowing that I have to time to think about someone else’s life.

          I was half way to my ‘house’ when I saw a couple of people standing in the middle of the road, causing me to hit break.

          “Get out of the way bastards!” I open my car window and shout as irritation rushes through my veins.

          “We’re not here to move away Kyle,” says a cold voice which, at once I recognize whom it belonged to.

          I look to my right to see the face that still haunts me in my dreams. In these two years, he hasn’t changed a bit. He still applies hair gel in order to make them into a mohawk with sideburns. His deep blue eyes still glazes while he looks with intensity in his eyes.

          I get out of the car, slamming my door shut; my eyes never leaving his tall figure. He goes and stands with the other guys in front of my car.

          “Dean,” I say making my fist into a stiff ball.

          “Good thing you remember me,” he says with a smirk across his face.

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