The fury of a tyrant

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.  .  . April 5th .  . .2012.

"Lord Megatron!" Starscream came running in holding a paperback book. "You must read this!"

Megatron turns away from the vehicons who had  he had been instructing specifically to do a task.

"I do not read books." Megatron said.

Starscream's excited face turns into the one that most transfans would pity. Or most likely find adorable.

"You should read it." Starscream said.  "It's about a couple younglings--that are human-- being sent into our universe; but, instead we are not properly called by our names. We're not gigantic robots in this." Starscream notes while holding the closed book. "We're machines that can become future-istic designed weapons and military transportation advanced."

"And?" Megatron asks.

"It's  very popular among the vehicons." Starscream said, holding the book up.  "It's called  'Why are we in Baufumers?'."

"Baufumers." Megatron repeats.

The name sounded silly when spoken out loud.

"Yes." Starscream said.

"Starscream, are you using this as an excuse to tell me Soundwave's signature has finally popped up?" Megatron asks, with a hint of a threatening growl in his voice.

"No." Starscream drew the  'o' in his reply.  "I am here to tell you; there's a variation of your name; Sir Megapatronus."

"Tell me, is your name worse than mine?" Megatron asks.

"It's Spankscream." Starscream said.  "I don't understand why they've made me a coward who'se so .  .  . weak." He shudders.  "I do know that Pock Down is Knock Out, FlapJack is BreakDown, Jakebreak is Shockwave, and Ponundbreak is Soundwave."

"And what are the humans name?" Megatron asks.

"Carah and Adam." Starscream said.  "Though Adam calls his sister 'Lokes' because she is very mischievous while he on the other is the least annoying one." Starscream opens the book to the middle of it.  "And says here that Carah is at least thirteen years old and Adam is eleven."

"And the vehicons are obsessed with this?" Megatron asks, finding this odd.

Starscream smiles a bit.

"Carah calls Megapatronus; Megsy the spatter, or, Meggsssy." Starscream teasingly said. "I can't blame you for trying to make the cyber-Organic Sleep." He sways his servos sideways earning a 'what?' glare from Megatron. "Carah's no different from Ivy's character; minus the 'can die part'."

"Give me it!" Megatron grabs the book and flips to the last chapter.

"You're missing out all the fun!" Starscream said.  "Forty-five chapters!"

Megatron looks up from the book.

"It's one hundred twenty five chapters." Megatron corrects Starscream, and he pauses for a minute there with his optics focused back on the book. "Spankscream."

"I am not ordering another copy." Starscream said.  "If you tear it up; you do it."  Starscream shook his servos. "I am not replacing it again."

Megatron frowns at the book and then begins on page one.He pushes Starscream out of his way to the floor. Megatron walks away from the seeker who had landed flat on his faceplate. Starscream gets up making a few complaints in Cybertronian about being shoved.Starscream looks towards the vehicons who hadn't left.

"It's forty five chapters." Starscream said. "Not one hundred  twenty-five chapters. That's how many pages there are in it."

.  . . Three megacycles later  .  .  .

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