003 ✧ the leader

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chapter three

walking through the hallways of the academy, the four men are amazed beyond words, speechless even of how gorgeous the institution is. the aura it's giving is oddly powerful and mysterious, almost feels like as if they are in mount olympus. not that they've gone to the home of the gods before, but the aura inside the academy felt so heavenly.

"how long till the tour's over?" yoongi muttered, rolling his eyes with annoyance laced in his tone already growing impatient of walking through the long hallways that seems to be endless and is far from interested of what their tour guide is talking about the school.

the other three looked at him with a warning glare, but he just sent them a nonchalant look. the boy on the other hand, taehyun just looked at yoongi with a wide smile on his face.

"don't worry, i'll just show you the training grounds and i will take you to meet the leader." taehyun said with excitement in his words motioning for the men to follow him.

his statement peeked the men's attention, questions already forming in their heads and hoseok can't help but ask. "is the leader kim seokjin?"

taehyun turned around and looks at them with the same wide smile on his face. he's been smiling nonstop it's creepy. jungkook thought. "yeah, that's him. he runs the academy and you'll meet him very soon."

the men nod at him and continued following the boy. after a few moments of walking they reached a huge door almost the size of an average gate. taehyun did not hesitate to reach the gold handle and opened the door exerting a huge amount of strength.

as soon as the door opened, the light from the outside quickly penetrated the halls not giving the men a chance to adjust to the sudden brightness.

when they finally became comfortable with the light, they can now clearly see a large open field that consists a lot of students, male students to be specific. some are fighting, some are training archery, some are using swords, some are practicing with their abilities, some are playing sports and some are meditating.

the men were in awe of what they are seeing. the academy doesn't look so bad after all. namjoon thought.

"so, the academy is an all boys' school?" jungkook asked curiously considering that they weren't informed about it by beomgyu.

"indeed it is." taehyun said turning to look at jungkook before he continued. "all male demigods, monsters, and supernaturals are highly encouraged to enroll in the demi-dieux academy."

the men nodded at him. "how about female demigods, is there one for them?" hoseok asked, the thought coming to his mind immediately.

"of course, they are in demetrea academy. an academy exclusive only for the women." taehyun answered once again, a smile not leaving his face.

"and now that the tour has come to an end, i think it's now time for me to take you to the leader." the boy signaled for the men to follow him without further words being said.

finally. yoongi mumbled that made jungkook chuckle a bit.

after a few more walking they reached the elevator, the five of them got inside silently, none of them uttering a single word. taehyun pushed the 5 button that indicates that they are going to the fifth floor.

after the surprisingly long elevator ride, it finally came to a stop and made a ting sound which means they reached the floor. when they got out, it didn't take long for them to reach a huge wooden door with an image of an eagle beautifully carved in the middle of it.

"we've reached the room." taehyun mumbled quietly before knocking on the door three times.

after hearing a soft come in, taehyun opened the door.

"the new students have arrived, jin hyung." taehyun said to a pink-haired man behind a very large desk, his back facing them.

"very well, you may go taehyun." the man said as he turned around revealing his sharp, very handsome features that has a hint of femininity in them. a smile curling on his lips. the boy taehyun bowed slightly and left the room, softly closing the door.

"greetings gentlemen, come sit." seokjin said the smile on his face long gone.

the four of them sat on the unoccupied seats in front of the man's desk. after settling down, namjoon cleared his throat before introducing himself and the others. "i'm namjoon, this is yoongi, hoseok, and jungkook."

"i'm seokjin, nice meeting you." seokjin said. namjoon was about to lend his hand for a handshake but hesitated seeing that seokjin did not bother to stand up for a handshake.

the man fake-coughed before speaking. "so what brings you to our academy?" seokjin asked the men in front of him.

"we've heard great things about demi-dieux." started namjoon. "and we would love to be one of the lucky demigods to experience its greatness." he said partially true.

"demi-dieux is known for its incredibly outstanding reputation of having well-mannered, clever, talented, strong young men and it is a good training ground for male demigods. i hope that you would enjoy your stay here and will learn a lot." seokjin said, an unnoticeable smirk drawn on his handsome features.

while the other men are talking, jungkook was suddenly distracted by a picture frame standing beautifully on the left corner of seokjin's table. a picture of a white-haired ethereal boy. it's him. jungkook thought.

"that is taehyung you are looking at." his thoughts were interrupted by the voice of seokjin. the other three surprised by the man saying something out of topic, they too looked at jungkook.

"ah— i, i was just—" jungkook stuttered nervously.

"it's okay. who wouldn't want to stare at him anyway? he's a literal angel." seokjin smiled at him, that he too replied with a smile. "indeed, he is." jungkook said.

jinnnnnnnie. a very loud yet beautiful voice outside the door called, reaching the ears of the men inside, followed by loud knocks on the door.

"speaking of, he's here. excuse me." seokjin politely excused himself from the men before standing up and opening the door to personally greet the boy outside.


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