Chapter Eight: The Reception part 1

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This one is going to be a long one readers! so buckle down and get cuddly in your PJs cause the feels train is now departing! This part of the reception will be all the sappy stuff, that'll make your RusAme heart say "AWWWWWWWWWWW"

*supplies readers with infinite tubs of ice cream and tissues*

Also, I will use media in this chapter. Like two chapters ago, I will have it in a certain part of importance. Enjoy lovely readers! and please feel free to comment and give suggestions!


Woah I must have been barely awake... this is crap... I'm going to edit this and add some details... no story of mine will be this half-assed!


The entire world cheered for the happy couple, the two nations finally pulled apart after their forever sealing kiss. Their bond now was a permanent one, their love true and real in the eyes of the law. But like they cared what the law thought of them, they have fought for this moment with all of their bosses for nearly a century. Even Obama expressed doubt and concern when Alfred told him of their relationship. But, Obama did send them a gift to congratulate them on their happiness. A caring note was taped to a carved wooden box, inside was a gorgeous silverware set with lovely designs. Obama even offered to pay for the wedding, the thought was nice but the two men turned him down.

Even if it had been fifty years without the said personification, many former presidents sent the couple gifts. The current president, Wisteria Cecilia Piper ((the first female president and my favorite OC)) had sent them a large pile of presents. In this pile were different books and novels, a lovely custom guitar and harmonica, and a beautiful handmade cupboard for linens. The most unexpected present they received from her was a basket for "romantic endeavors" and included scented candles, different flavors of lube, and some mixtapes she made with sexy songs. Alfred swore she was like Japan and Hungary, only worse. 

Speaking of the said nation, Hungary clapped her hands loudly to grab everyone's attention. Taiwan ushered the couple away sweetly, allowing the two to have some private time before the reception. The couple went for a walk along the private cove and beach and Taiwan stood alongside Hungary and Austria.

"Ok, everyone!" Hungary began, holding Austria's hand, "The reception will be taking place in the manor on the hill! Please follow the trail of tiny white stones and hibiscus flowers! Cocktail hour will be served in the parlor and last for maybe an hour! We will start the reception after the lucky couple returns from the walk!" The personified world began to gather in a large manor that was located upon a hidden hillside. The manor was made of mostly large windows and was an open concept. Taiwan snatched a vintage key and walked over to a large oak door. She unlocked it, the doors creaking open to reveal a beautiful bar. Taiwan then whistled loudly, prompting all the nations to follow her. All the nations were floored to see the marble parlor with dark oak cabinets and gold accents. The glasses were the finest crystal and there were five different bartenders. 

"The lad certainly doesn't disappoint, I'll give him that," England said chuckling. 

"Oui, ze 'ouse iz beautiful!" France adds as he holds England's waist. The bartenders all bowed as the nations entered, and cocktail waitresses in white dresses carried trays of light hors d'oeuvres on tiny plates. They served fresh plates of ahi tuna sashimi with a light dill mayo sauce, mango and chili chutney with blue corn chips, small pheasant wings seasoned with rosemary and thyme, and seaweed salad with sesame oil. For a sweet option, they served cherry flavored macarons with champagne mousse inside. The drinks they offered consisted of a range of things: from tropical cocktails like pina coladas to imported beers and liquor. The younger nations like Latvia and Sealand were offered Shirley temples, so they didn't feel left out. 

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