Chapter Six: Fifty Years in the Future

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Ok so this is the last bit of it that I've done... At this point I kinda ran out of steam and now while rereading this I probably will adjust a lot! So please forgive me if it isn't really up to par with the other chapters!

Thank you!


The world was so empty without him, meetings never the same. Nobody wanted to solve problems without him, and many nations stopped coming to meetings. Russia rarely appeared in public, Canada stopped eating pancakes, England wouldn't stop crying, France never tried to talk unless he had to, Italy's smile became nonexistent, Romano didn't even insult anyone, Finland's attitude turned depressed, Japan couldn't watch anime without crying, Prussia constantly worked out, Germany wasn't as bossy, Austria composed sad music, China would pray to have the young western nation home, and Spain didn't even eat tomatoes. Nobody was the same since that day, even Cuba was broken. That however was the first decade. On the ten year anniversary, all the nations gathered together and made up their minds. They would not let Alfred's deed go unrecognized. They would fix the world and make it better, because that's what the hero wanted.

There were no wars, nobody wanted to fight after the sacrifice he made. There was no hunger, they all wanted to make sure his sacrifice wouldn't be in vain. All powerhouse nations like America, Canada, China, Russia, Japan, and Germany donated food and held benefits in Alfred's honor. Plastic in the ocean, once a month all the nations gather into groups and cleaned their beaches and seas for a weekend. Nuclear warfare, solved. North Korea and Russia disabled all their nukes out of respect for the American's sacrifice, America did the same in a mutual return of respect. Homelessness, nope. The countries built shelters to house the less fortunate. Gangs? Ha! The Italies dismembered the Mafia, Russia killed off the Bratva, and China executed the members of the Triad and all the fellow syndicates. Global warming? Solved thanks to a secret government project founded in America.

It was named H.E.R.O.S for Hyperactive Electro Radiation Ozone Shield ((was not an original idea, I read it once in a fanfic. The next part is original though)). Once every month at midnight in Washington DC, a laser would replenish the ozone in the atmosphere. The rippling wave of energy looked like the northern lights and used solar and wind energy gathered amongst the nations. Using a process similar to photosynthesis, solar and wind energy was converted into ozone. This device single-handedly solved the melting ice caps as temperatures began to decrease on a global scale.

Earth was a better place: rainforests were being replanted, animals were being repopulated, and people who needed help were being taken care of. The Earth was healing, everything was ok. Except he wasn't there to see it. All the nations may have come together, but only after it was too late. They did do things together on certain occasions. Every fourth of July they all went to America's manor in the countryside, lit fireworks and ate burgers. Every time HEROS would be ready to ignite, they gathered in the cornfields next to it and would make a toast to Alfred. The day he was taken would be the day everyone went to the Statue of Liberty and lay flowers on the ground. It was the only day the Statue was exclusively closed just for them.

Fifty years later after that wretched day, a strange buzzing noise was heard above their heads as they all sat at the foot of Lady Liberty. They all stood on guard but were all put to sleep in a second with a flash of light. Landing in front of their sleeping bodies was America, and his "wife" Arinova. She used her force powers to make everybody sit up, as she held the tiny toddler in her other arm.

"Papa, I'll miss you" the little boy said. He hugged his father and America chuckled.

"I'll miss you too Vano. But you know papa never belonged with you and mama" Vano looked at the other nations and saw how they all looked like his human father. Arinova kissed America's cheek and sighed.

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