Chapter Three: Dress and Act the Part

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Im glad @teddy1223 and all of you are enjoying this so far! I'm always open to suggestions so please don't hesitate to ask!


"Mis amigos, could you tell us what we should wear for dinner?" Spain asked the servants.

"Da, we do not know your customs. We wish not to offend your ruler" Russia added.

"If I remember right, Tony said that if I ever were to encounter them in their environment there would most likely be Yakto dressers in my room. The Yakto are very attentive to make sure their routines stay the same. So if they do have guests of a different galactic nativity, they are bent to make sure they are dressed and act properly. Which normally means proper speaking, no yelling or screaming, no unnecessary movement, being clean and tidy. You know, basically as OCD as you can get. They spend most of their lives perfecting their craft" America informed, earning a happy nod from Smif.

"You are already so knowledgeable about our ways Mr. America. It is quite amazing" Juja said. Alfred blushed, causing Juja to jump in alarm, "why is your face so red? Are you becoming ill?" she snatched his face, "oh poor America. You are so warm. Your cheeks are so red they are burning!" this caused Alfred to blush darker, making the other nations snicker.

"Don't fret love, that's normal when a human is embarrassed. It's called blushing, and it's perfectly fine if we do so" Britain explained. France then winked and slung his arm over America.

"Our little Amerique iz so cute! Iz he not?!" France gushed, Alfred by now a tomato.

"France! Hands off! I'm being squished!" America pleaded, causing the countries to laugh. They then stop in front of a door, where they are met with a tall Yakto. He was five-eyed with dark crimson hair with black ends, his attire appearing to be mostly navy with a black pendant. His tail was extremely thin and the fluff was black. The nations were confused, the other three didn't have tails.

"You all must be the nations, I am Mukto. I will be the dresser assisting you during the rest of your stay. I have been informed of what colors you will wear, how to style your clothing, and the proper accessories. I also understand some of the pieces have emotional ties, like the scarf on the tall one. I will adjust my designs to best suit you" he bowed and led the nations in.

There were enough beds for all of them to sleep comfortably. At the foot of each bed were wooden engraved boards with each country's names. Along with sheets that resembled their flags and some ornaments over the beds, there were other indicators like roses intertwines on France's bedposts or a tomato pillow on Spain's. All the countries looked at each other in awe on how organized everything was.

"Wow, these guys put Germany to shame" America joked making Prussia, Romano, Canada, Italy, and Spain double over laughing. Austria, Britain, France, and Russia simply snickered. While China, Japan, and Germany shook their heads. The dresser then looked at them with concern.

"You all may undress, the outfits will soon be done" Mukto informed as he pressed some buttons and a weird buzzing noise filled the air. The nations did as instructed, undressing with no shame in front of each other. They all sat on their beds, waiting for the said clothing to arrive.

The outfits soon appeared, all of them basically the same polo with some strange jean-like pant. The polos all were white and collared, with their flags once again embroidered over the hearts. The pants were a dark navy denim fabric, with pockets in the front and on the butt. The shoes were taupe dress shoes, with socks that went to the ankle and matched their skin tone perfectly.

However, there was one part of the outfit that was different per person. There were thirteen different colored cloaks. Britain's coat was ivory, France's was periwinkle, Canada's was red, China's was gold, Japan's was dark crimson, Russia's was navy, Germany's was pine green, Prussia's was black, Austria's was violet, Spain's was yellow, Feli's was white with a red stripe, Lovino's was white with a green stripe, and America's was the most beautiful sapphire blue.

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