Chapter Five: The Talk then Goodbye?

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This one is gonna be a long one! Also a tiny bit sad and feels inducing! Be prepared for fluff!

Thank you!


Alfred was thrown into a large, white room that was completely empty. He looked around in a panic, what was going on? He just woke up and this happens? Just then a collar is snapped around Alfred's neck, it began to light up and the tag read 'Alfred- Class A Guest' Alfred tried to get it off him, but it quickly electrocuted him. He yelled in agony as the electricity pulsed through him. Just then the king appeared, coyly smiling.

"Oh dearest me, are you in pain my dear boy? I apologize" the king then kicked Alfred in the stomach and chuckled. A large bruise appeared on Alfred's abdomen, "you humanoid life beings, such fools. I never intended to be friends with your kind America, I was going to destroy them!" the king then threw him against a wall.

"W-why?" Alfred asked, still dazed from being beaten around a bit. He looked at the king with his sweet eyes, and the king smirked.

"Because you are not worth it. Your entire planet is a blemish to our universe. You all are killing your world, not even caring a smidge about how it affects your future. Your kind is selfish and pathetic and the universe would be much better off without you" the king then pulled America up and pushed him into a chair to sit, "However, I am willing to spare it for a price. You" America's eyes widened.

"Me? Why me?" Alfred asked and the king chuckled playfully. He then shocked him again with the collar, causing Alfred more unbearable pain.

"Don't be a foolish boy. You are the only one who is suited for our taste. You are kind, smart, funny, and handsome. I want my daughter to mate you, and you to become king. She is young, but in a decade she will be perfect for you and you do not age like a normal human. I will spare Earth, all the nations aboard, and all the residents of your planet if you marry my daughter" the king then walked over to turn on a screen. The other nations were tied up and looked like they went through hell, "that was only two of my weakest guards against the other dozen of your strongest nations. I think my choice would be clear"

"Would I ever get to see them again?" Alfred asked, and the king shook his head, "so I'll never see my brother or besties again? Or my parents?" Alfred's voice cracked, the thought of being without them hurt.

"Nope, but if you stay they die. Everyone dies" the king replied. That hurt Alfred more, he would rather them live their lives free than die for his own selfishness. Alfred sighed deeply, looking the king in the eye. He nodded and tears fell from Alfred's eyes and stained his cheeks.

"I'll marry your daughter. But they and the planet all must be spared, and I wish to say goodbye to them before you send them back" Alfred told the king, who simply nodded. He snapped his fingers and all the healing servants went to mend the other nations.

Juja went into the room, and all the nations looked at her in disgust. She then walked to the center of the room, and each healer was assigned a nation. The nations were confused as to why they were being healed. But then Juja explained.

"We are healing you before you return home," she said, sighs of relief came from everybody, "your Alfred has decided to marry Arinova in order to spare your kind. He truly is a selfless soul" the nations stopped breathing, and Russia was reduced to tears once again.

"No... Not my little sunflower..." Russia mumbled. Juja felt something strange in the pit of her stomach. She felt like this was wrong, she knew this was wrong. Yet she was forced to think it was right. What was this? Was this what guilt and sympathy were? Juja began to cry, shocking all the healers.

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