Finishing the conflict

Start from the beginning

Ruby: I glare at Neon to his word's not liking one bit to what he could be thinking in his head

Snow: I look at Neon with a sincere face to his idea"Neon don't drag Ruby into this please."

Pyrrha: "Listen I don't know what your here for Neon, but dragging people into your mess isn't a very nice thing." I look at him more serious then before to think someone will have a person like that in their family

Snow: I then notice Weiss on the floor which instently caught me by surprise"Weiss!" I ran to her quickly till I eventually made my way to her then held her in my arms"Weiss!? Weiss wake up!" I felt frighten till I look back to Neon"What did you do to her!"

Neon: I roll my eyes to Snow over reacting"Relax I just knock her out."

Snow: I held Weiss closer to my chest along with my head resting on hers

Orleans: I glare at Neon feeling furious with what he had done"How could you hurt her? She our friend! Our childhood friend!"

Neon: "A childhood friend that just so happen to have her family murder our parents!" I glare back at Orleans

Snow:"She was never part of it!" After I put Weiss down gently I got up drawing my swords glaring at Neon with a single tear coming out of my eyes

Neon: I laugh alittle to the sight I'm seeing from Snow"Come on Snow do you really think your cut out to kill me."Then out of no where I felt my arm that I was holding Ruby with stabbed through my shoulder, I look back to see who it is

Nero: I glare at Neon viciously and the desire to just burry his face in the ground for what he been doing"He might not but I am!"With my spear in his shoulder I twist his shoulder to break his arm which cause him to let Ruby go"Ruby run!"

Ruby: I quickly ran away from Neon since I don't know how to fight without my weapon

Neon: with my pistol already out I quickly shoot his stomach, then turn around to pistol whip him

Nero: I smack the pistol out of the way, then use my spear to lift him off his feets and then throw him to a tree which it took my spear with him along the way"Suck it!"

Ruby: I ran up to Nero while jumping on him and wrapping my arms on his neck"Nero your ok!" My wight just knock him off his feets but I didn't care at all I just rubbed my cheeks on his out excitment"I knew you wouldn't die easily!"

Nero: I started blushing while my heart kept on beating to Ruby and of course...her smell"R-Ruby people are w-watching."

Orleans: I grabbed Ruby by her hoodie pulling her off Nero with my eyes electrifying"I know a cave with nothimg but Beowulfs that I for sure know they will love a hungry red head!"

Ruby: "Owie!"I laugh alittle still blushing to how I jumped onto Nero eariler. It felt nice just to have my arms wrap around him tight, but then I notice Neon is getting up. I point my finger towards him for everyone to know"Uhh, he defiantly not dead."

Orleans: I let go of Ruby to face back at Neon"Of course your not a easy brother to deal with..."

Pyrrha: I ran up to Ruby to remind what we were going to do"Ruby. We need to help Jaune."

Orlando: I look at Pyrrha and Ruby with a confuse look"What wrong with him?"

Ruby: I pull out my finger to start explaining to him"Well you see we saw some of Team CRDL Meambers running pass us till one of them stop and-"

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