Chapter 20

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"Well you're here now. At my steps with your ragged clothes and cunt. What's one more body to your list of many? It's your choice to make little one but come up here and I'll make it worth your wild." I say the words I haven't forgotten. I've poured over revamping this script for hours and two sleepless nights.

We're filming all of Minnies/Aidas scenes. She only has about five sex scenes if I remember correctly. The bondage scene, the role play, public and then the orgy. Lastly she has one with me which will be bonus content that is to be given at a cost. She is the star so she has the most.

I've watched the ones she's been in so far. The bondage and role play she didn't get fucked but in the role play she fucked someone. With me I'm supposed to show her the true Black Queen experience, so lots of punishment and fucking the end though is not guaranteed if I'll make her come or not. That's not my point here.

There's no real script for that of course the Host wouldn't let me have any restrictions which makes it hard enough for me. Going by the script my scene will be the last to be shot before the orgy.

Red and Swan come to set up in my play room to get the best shots as this is bonus content and therefore the audience has to pay extra for. Going by the results they did it seems almost everyone is ready to spend that extra cash. Which with their purchase also includes back stage and production videos which some people seem to enjoy seeing the actors out of character. Though we're not normal actors I suppose as this isn't an act this is what I like what I've mastered over my past years. I'm not perfect by any means but by hell I will not downgrade myself from my true abilities.

"Why did you guys get into this business?" I ask Red and Swan. I know why I picked to go back in but not the others.

"I was wondering when you'd ask that question. Everyone does at least once and do I have all the questions for you," Red chuckles. "Swan and I used to actually just film amateur porn we wanted to go big be directors but it made money that so we could do our own projects. It just didn't end well for us as we were raised in mostly Christian neighborhood and went to a Christian college. We had to lay low once we got called out on it by the school and risked expulsion."

"Yeah some shit as half of the people who bought from us were students and teachers. We got out of college with degrees in things we learned we didn't really like anymore. We risked expulsion yeah but it only made our passions grow. Instead we got out of college and started filming each other; couple of months down the line and we got the same envelope you did. We were the first people here and I wired everything all these cameras, thanks software degree. Red on the other hand set everything up from lights in each room to little pieces of furniture."

"That inter designer degree actually did pay off but that's why rooms have a certain charm to them. I really got to go wild with my budget of infinity." Red says as she carries a camera onto its stand tightening the bolts carefully. "I'm the one who designed this room even."

"Anyway, as for the others they're all different a lot are like us though. People kicked out of their homes for their interest or they just needed a place to escape. Midnight came here after marriage because she just couldn't stop fucking other people. Sunny had a mental break down after getting out of her an abusive S&M relationship and looking for advice in chat rooms." Her voice grows cold and low.

"That poor girl and she's one of the best subs we have now. I'm really glad that man didn't ruin her own interest; he took advantage of her for being so unaware of how everything worked. No after care, no concern for her and ignored her limits," Red speaks with more furry then I heard before. "Anyway, on a lighter note the boys were roommates who occasionally fucked on the side." She laughs pointing a camera to my face. "Yeah but they had to leave cause they lived in the deep south and gay people mixed with none of them being white. Yikes."

"What about Kitty," I pipe up to them and their faces turn stone cold.

"Kitty, she's a bit of a roller coaster story," Swan starts, "I remember seeing her the first time and she just looked like a mess. She came with nothing but the clothes on her back and I remember so clearly when I approached her. She sat at the fence shaking and smoking, she was covered in cuts. She would only whisper the first week she was here and took way longer to get into any sex scenes. The first person she slept with was the Host themselves. To get the Host to come down here means they really want you. The Host has talked to me and Red after their session."

She never told me that.

"Oooo, I hate this part of her story," Red interrupts tapping her fingers nervously yet moving on the story. "The Host came out and said that Kitty was a housewife apparently. She couldn't get pregnant so her husband would beat her everyday, even tho," she looks down at her hands. "He's the reason she can't get pregnant beat that out of her. The first thing the Host did was a bdsm session so no sex in which she gave her the power. After that we saw a different side. Katherine became Kitty and like a cat she was. Bouncing everywhere and with mischief in her eyes." She laughs her spirits being lifted yet the lump in her throat was there.

"Anyway, anyway," Swan says changing to conversation. "What did you come here for?"

"Maybe I'm a lot like Kitty in the way I was just trying to get away from my abusive husband. I just feel like I haven't really gotten away just yet." They look at me their faces blank.

"Well you're safe here. Let's do the interview then bring in Minnie for your partner interview. You'll do an interview before and after because this is a special film for selling." Red claps her hands and positions me in a chair.

"We're rolling." She stands behind the camera with Swan at her side. "Hello Raven, you're the newest addition to Roulette, welcome to the house. We'll be asking you a few questions."

"Why Raven? You came in as Akuji but now you hold a nickname." Swan ask holding a clipboard filled with random questions I assume.

"A raven has many different meanings. While it can mean something as a bad spirit calling on a terrible prophecy; it can also mean the telling and insight of things. People would call what I'm interested in sinful so I'm the bad insight, I'm the bad influence. But I'll teach them something so great." I say smoothly like as if I had a script.

"The Host said you had involvement in writing the script how true is this?"

"The script was an old piece when I was working under the name Crow still. We just revamped it together." Yes the many hours I poured revamping this fucking script when I'm not even involved in most of it as a character.

"How do you like working here?"

I smile for this part and it's not forced. It's me. "I love it."


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This is not going as planned. If I have to I'll kill that man my fucking self.

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