Chapter 19

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I wake up the the sound of birds and the sun streaming in from an open window that I guess never got its curtain closed. Though it's different everything is hot. I open my eyes and see Kitty.

What is she doing here? Last thing I remember is falling asleep in Adams room. Though I can't say I hate it.

I sit up slowly and poke at her until her eyes slowly open. "Hey Kitty, get up." I lean over and kiss her on her forehead.

She looks up at me wide eyed and then smiles. "That's a nice way to wake someone up. She sits up and looks at me than to the clock behind me. Oh today is the first day of filming week. We start in a couple of hours," She smirks, "you're first aren't you?"

"Yeah I am." I laugh, well it's going to be just like last night or maybe intenser.

Kitty goes to her room so we can both get dressed for the meeting in an hour or so about filming. I end up in the meeting hall as one of the first. I sit on a couch and other people start to slowly arrive. One of them being Kitty who sits next to me a little too lovingly.

The screen flicks on when we're all here and the Host appears her friend the director next to her.

"Thank you for meeting. As you all know filming is today but the way it's set up is not going to be in order of the episodes as there is still some story in it. You the actors are all part of an adventure by a special guest actor Minnie. Minnie is going to be a time traveler who visits your world and added to each and everyone of your scenes. She will be coming in three two one."

There's a knocking on the door and a girl opens the door. She's a small girl with dark skin and dyed pink light hair. She's real cute.

"Hello Minnie," the host says. "please do join us. Anyway, Raven I'm waiting for something for you, so your scenes will be filmed later tonight. Now Minnie the people you will be closely working with well is all of them except, Raven, Kitty, and Adam. They're the main doms."

We all wave to her and she nods back at us. "Now you all, except you Raven have received you locations, get comfortable. We're filming for three days straight. Raven and Minnie you stay behind. Dismissed."

Everyone leaves and Kitty gives me a pat on the shoulder before leaving herself. Minnie and I sit in silence as the screen dies and turns black. Odd. A door opens behind us, did someone forget something? I turn around and it's them. The Host.

"Hello Raven, Minnie. I thought I'd make a special visit. Minnie you know everything already or should I say Mouse."

My eyes flick back up to Minnie. Mouse? Mouse! "Mouse, is that really you?"

She smiles and nods. "Yeah Crow. The Host asked me to come back to porn again for this set, in order to break you in again as they put it to me. Well let's also say my old roommate wanted something of mine for the Host.  Forgot she still had it to be completely honest, but my number was on it. They showed me the you now and I see her. I see Crow and i was so excited I had to help out. Remember the ruthless Crow, who would claim murder and your aesthetic every video you helped direct and made it a trip." She touches my face and looks down at me with big and bright eyes.

"Wait, I used to write scripts at times too. Is this one of my unused scripts?"

The Host laughs in the back, "Yes it is, you're very smart. I bought it off your old boss. There was never any explanation about kinks in there. Just your short scenes that were never published."

"Wait, wait, wait. Host, you do know the reason why these shorts were never published."

They smile big and proud. "They push the human limits. I know what I'm doing here Raven."

"What story line did you buy? I've read them a million of times."

"Time napping."

The word snaps over me, "You bought that one, that one is intense to say the least."

"Well I bought other ones as well."

"Of course you did, I'm not surprised. Now where's my location?" I look up at the Host and Minnie and the Host can't wipe that smile from their face.

"Do you remember your old throne room in the school?"

I'm speechless and the words come slowly. "You replicated that?"

"Correction, I made it even better." I follow them as they leave the room and go to a room I didn't even know existed. The entrance is covered by a staircase. They place the original key in my hand. The key showed in all the videos with the zero scratched into it.

I open the door with it and cover my mouth with my hand when I see the room.

The bed and equipment all neatly placed and spaced. I look up and see it. The ceiling mirror and frankly mirrors almost everywhere. A closet filled with clothes and equipment. I see the steps and go up to the throne is an exact replica. Black and red with the wings carved into the back. I look up behind it and see it. Me. That painting that was sold ages ago when I went under the name Crow. Stunning.

"This is beautiful. Though isn't this a little too much for a dvd of scenes?" I ask the Host.

"No no this is your play room now. You are the only one with the access here. Not even Red or Swan. Only you and me and I'm never here."


"You have potential. You are it. The greatest sadist to grace the screens of people and you will become it once again."

Minnie comes up to me and sits me down in the throne. I look down at the ground and smile.

"Oh I know what role you have assigned me. This throne is not for show. Where are my soldiers the Black Queen calls them." I laugh.

The story of the Black Queen. Created with a high me and a Alice in wonderland movie playing in the back. The Black Queen the red queens sister who rules harshly and deadly. She's a sadist with a sadist kingdom and little Minnie here plays a girl named Aida. Alice's older sister who tried to follow her but went down the wrong hole. I was writing gold but it was one of my darker ones. This isn't wonderland, I remember naming this Punishland which now sounds so cheesy but I did eventually change the name to The After-world.

Though besides a nod here and there to the original there's not much keeping the two to even call it a parody. More like inspired. There's a queen and an Alice and other side characters but the side characters don't hold much similarities. Except the mad hatter type character is still craziest but they all become sick and crazy in my story.

"Following my original script and characters I can guess who's who. You've very smart for this one host because I did write about all of those themes in this story. You did some massive digging."

"Of course the Host doesn't disappoint their guest. Now have fun Raven. I'm taking our little Aida to get changed and to make sure the others get in their roles as well. A visit from the Host will have everyone on their best behavior."I watch as she leaves with "Aida" in their grip.

This week is going to be very fun.

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