Chapter 11

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I hadn't expected it to be this easy thinking back I don't know why I trusted her so much to let her do that. It's just so out of character. Is it because she is right and I do have some fear of men? I don't know and it's frustrating as I'm left with more questions than answers the longer I think about it.

I fall on my bed in a huff. I think of Kitty's words, they swirl in my mind and won't stop. "Listen I don't know what game the Host is playing here but I'm not hundred percent sure if they want you to fuck Adam. They're not one to say that, they never have been. They're doing something. Playing some game with us. I don't know why but hey they are manipulative what can I really say?" She shrugs and walks out of the bathroom. "I can't say much, I'm being honest with you. Now goodbye." She goes to the door but stops when her hand touches the door knob. She turns around and kisses my head before leaving.

I roll over to my side. What was that about? I touch my forehead and feel my face heat up. She's weird but so am I.

The next day I scheduled to hang out with Adam. He suggested we watched a movie and I agreed. I wanted to do my plan but I also didn't want things between us to be awkward. Killing two birds with one stone I guess.

He arrives at my room and I let him inside.

"You surprisingly have a lot of stuff," he says shocked. I did only come with five boxes.

"A lot of small stuff, together it seems more than it really is." I watch him as he goes by my plants. "Don't touch those, they're real." I walk over to him and look down at the five cactus with him.

"Take a seat on the bed, I'll put the movie in." I did ask him what his favorite genre of movies are, and unsurprisingly it's horror.

We're an hour in the movie and the space between us has decreased. We sat on opposite ends of the bed. Slowly but surly getting closer to each other. Letting each other into our own spaces.

I look over to him for a quick second. He's to busy watching the movie to even notice that I'm staring. The panic of his eyes and the nervousness in his body has relaxed. He was scared to come here. Asking me multiple times if it was truly okay over our text. He's scared to see my like that I bet.

I turn towards the movie. I don't hate horror I actually like it but this movie is so boring. My eyes get heavy as the movie bores on and I slowly go to sleep.


"You know I didn't think it would turn out this way," they say looking at the screen with me. "I thought she was gonna have a heart to heart. I was about to celebrate such a spike in my bank account but this will do. Kitty and Adam I'm working them to the bone." They laugh and go in circles in their chair.

I snicker at them and their childish ways. "You're working us too. Having Swan go and get a picture of them and having me make plans to boost their relationships. Like come on why do I have to write fan fiction." I throw my hands up in defeat and exhaustion.

"Listen here Red. You used to write plays and scripts this is no different. It's weird yes but it's nothing different. Now all we need to do next is filter her in with the rest of them. Oh that reminds me. Did you go through the applications I gave you?"

"I did. I'm still deciding. We just let someone new in and I don't know if it's appropriate to let someone in so quick." I type on the keyboard quickly. I don't wanna spend more than a couple of minutes on this.

Swan comes back in and quickly uploads the photo she took to the computer. "Did you get it?" She ask the Host.

"Yes, how lovely and innocent. Both asleep and leaning on each other, very cute." She puts her hands together and I see a smile forming as they look at their computer that sits next to them. Oh no.

"What are you planning now?" I ask not really wanting to hear it but it's probably gonna be our job.

"Nothing you need to be concerned with yet. Not yet." They smile evilly as their assistant comes behind them and hangs up the call.

I look over to Swan and she shrugs as she edits the photo. Might as well worry about it when it comes full force.

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