Chapter 8

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I log in to Roulette. Considering I worked here for months now I should always be logged in but I refuse.

I scan the recent views on my personal videos and those I'm in that I didn't upload myself. The views are stable. I move to the others videos and the community chat.

My eyes widen as they fall on the first words I see. Anxiety attack. Who? I look at recent videos and see them. Two of them. Someone did have one but why did they post them?

I watch both of the videos in a mix of nervousness and wonder. Why was this ever posted?

I slam my laptop shut and go into the common room to find the others their discussing about the videos. Where all wondering the same thing. Why were these posted?


"Are you surprised?" They move back in forth in their chair waiting for my response.

"Yes and no. I don't know what kind of videos are posted I wasn't much of a watcher also I was told their was cameras everywhere. I'm also surprise though because well this isn't porn," I look at the screen and they nod before speaking to me.

"I know that. Not everything we post is porn as I do like to keep it real still. We're a family or community of horny people how ever you'd like to see it. I wanted to make a statement a message for the viewer to interpret. I'm sorry you had to be the one for it to fall on," they smile quickly "have you decided on a nick name as when you watched the video you may of noticed we blurred out your name."

"Ah yes, Raven." I get up and grab the papers I had to fill out and place them in front of them. "I finished these as well."

"Good good. Red or Swan will pick those up whenever."

"One last thing. Im concerned about those two videos because of the reputation it may give me. Some people in the comments were wondering why I was still here and told me to drop out already. Wondering why all along I was chosen out of any horny person on the streets." I sit down at my desk all while explaining my concerns.

"I see. Do not concern yourself with such petty comments. They do not mean anything in my eyes. I have picked you so you may stay." They do a circle in the chair before coming back to face me. "Logging off. Goodbye Raven." They press the button on their screen and it flickers black.

"Akuji." Someone bangs on my door calling my name. I get up and open the door.

"Can I help you?" I stand face to face with Midnight I think her name was.

"Did you see the videos of you?"

"Yeah I did. I talked to them about it too. They wanted to use me as some sort of example for their real agenda and themes. All of that is irrelevant though. If you could be of some help to me, do you mind doing something for me?" I walk into my room and grab two letters off my desk.

"Sure, what is it?" Midnight says walking into my room after me.

I hand her the two letters and push her out the room. "Deliver these for me. Ones for Kitty and the other is for Adam. I could do it myself but I'm busy getting everything in order."

"I don't mind." I close the door as she walks off and sigh.

I go to my desk and sit down, opening my laptop at the comments that caught my eye earlier.

CockPit commented:
I knew what this whole website was about, being "real" in a way and yes the people I see them behave like friends but they always looked so perfect and plastic. BUT that scene of the newcomer and Adam and her and Kitty that's not fake. Something clicked when I saw that and said to myself so they weren't lying when they said these people are real this isn't  an act.

Fuckmeup commented:
Those scenes fucked with me so hard. I myself have suffered from rape and sex for me felt really bad afterwards. I never knew someone like Kitty so playful and so open with their body and sexuality went through something like I did.

I've watched this show for a while now and this is the first time they posted something so deep. Usually people if they're mad or sad turn off their cameras in their rooms or leave. They didn't do it this time and it really showed they're human like us. You get a bit attached to the familiar faces when you watched as long as I have and I can say I love this trio.

Many more like these follow. People begging for me to talk to them. My DMs are full as it is with newcomer questions and this situation made more flood in.

I look at my account. Two videos with thousands of likes and comments each person with their own view. One of the most commented behind the drop out ones is: Why the fuck did they ever post this?

Beside that my name is blank and so is the picture for my header and profile. I assume they're supposed to be me. Though their will be two more videos on my account very soon. Very soon.

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