Tears a coma(ing) (17)

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I stare at the man. He flips the burger into his mouth from from he pan. Questions popping into my head like ads on a porn site. I drop the rusted bat to the floor with a clank. He whips his head around, the slab of meat soon falling from his mouth when his jaw dropped. Splat. We both stood there staring at each other.

"John..." I whisper.
"No shit Sherlock," he jokes as he sets down the pan. I see his eyes twinkle with sincerity. I run towards him, tackling him onto the linoleum floor. Tears streaming down my face, I shout his name.

"JOHN!!!" I let out a sob and he closes his arms around me.

"Yeah I'm here buddy." He says while patting my back to console me. After our moment, I get off of him and extend my left arm to him. He takes it with the only one he has left , his muscles tightening to ensure he doesn't fall to the right. I hug him once more. As I release him from my grasp, I look at his shoulder.
"I'm a ghost from the arm down."
I give him a puzzled look.
"I'm bending my elbow and making a fist right now. I can feel it." His voice trails off at the end.
"I'm sorry about that." I look down at the ground and he puts his arm on my shoulder.
"You didn't do shit" a grin spreads across his ears. "And thanks for not pulling my plug. It must've been hard on you after mom and dad."
"Yeah" stifling a tear I wrap my arms around him firmly.

"Burger?" He breaks the silence, eyeing the pan.
"Why not"

Later that morning I explain to him about Rhiannon.
"You finally got a girlfriend, I never saw it coming little bro, I thought you were gay." he plasters a big smile on his face and I nudge his only arm.
"I'm surprised you didn't visit her sooner, I mean after losing everyone you had, I know I would've."
"Well I'm just stronger than you huh?" I taunt, reaching over the table and wrestling his curly hair. He flips me over with his arm, and puts me in a choke hold, his one arm still out powering both of mine.

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