One year later. (18)

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He picks up a can of beans and shoves a knife inside of it. He saws halfway around and dumps some of it in his mouth, beans and cockroaches falling onto his shirt. He tosses me the can and I tilt the rest of the beans and cockroaches into my stomach.

She follows behind me, silent. She hasn't talked since we ran from the massacre a year ago. After nuclear war broke out, everyone went batshit crazy. Before nukes even hit, it looked like they already did their damage. Some fled to Mexico, but were greeted by assault rifles and mounted machine guns, followed by a mountain of corpses. At least 300,000 died from the border alone.
Every country has closed down it's borders, no one is letting anybody go anywhere. Even though most of he countries are demolished anyways.
There's even rumors of zombies going around now. Yeah right. They said some billionaire funded a research team to try to create an actual zombie, like in the movies, for no purpose other than an apocalypse. And in the apocalypse, the virus was released.
As I said, she follows close behind. She's wrapped in a thick cloth cardigan type cloak. It's coloured camouflage so she can't be seen. I have the same thing on, only a hidden .45 ACP surprise underneath. I haven't seen my brother since he walked out that door. He's probably dead. They always die.
Close behind Rhiannon is Erica, and behind Erica is Daniel.

Me and a few other friends always joked if an apocalypse broke out that we'd all meet at a room in the school. Two of them actually did. They brought everything we discussed. Erica had her knife collection thrown in a Duffel Bag, along with her sharpening stones and some basic supplies.

Daniel brought his three bows, his 65lbs recurve, and two 45lbs long bows. A long with 50 assorted arrows. And he brought some hospital stuff. Morphine, and other stuff I can't pronounce, along with a few informational books and first aid kits.

After the break out I waited three days at the school for someone to remember, when Daniel and Erica showed up one after the other. The place was in ruins but it still stood. We left after we saw the first zombie.

We traveled and traveled and since we decided that staying in once place is dangerous, so we didn't stay, we've been moving and moving. Store to store. Building to building. Scavenge and steal, craft and create.

Long ways away.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن