R&R (17)

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I end up at her house. I never imagined this would happen. But desperate things call for desperate measures. I sit in the car for a minute, mentally preparing myself to meet the girl I've dreamed if countless time, in person. The door to me car opens, and my heart jumps a beat, but it's only my hand opening it. My feet start pulling me towards the door to her house, and I can't stop myself.

My arm lifts, and knocks three times on the solid oak. No one comes to the door. No dogs bark. No light turn on. I decide to display insanity, for old times sake. I am insane. I turn, my heart down, I jump off the concrete slab, in a failed attempt to cheer myself.

I put my ribs on my car door, and slide my elbow up on the roof and support my head as I look at the stars. I see one of the stars zoom by in a fiery trail.


I turn around, my eyes widening. Breathless I manage to say her name.


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