Wakey wakey .5 (17)

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I drive through the empty street, and notice how most of the houses have their lights on. Unusual considering the time. But whatever, I mean I just randomly drove 600 miles to see the love of my life so why should I judge.

I tug at the wheel, gently swaying the car into the driveway, making sure to not wake Rhi. I turn the car off, but I don't hear the usual dead silence that accompanies the dark night. Instead I hear rustling, shouting, panicked movement coming from all the houses. I step out of the car and smoothly walk over to Rhi. I gently ease her over my right shoulder, checking to make sure I don't hit her head on the car.

Every step I take shifts her body slightly, rocking her onto my collarbone. I step up the two steps, her knees gently pressing against my back, and I place my left hand in my pocket to grab the key. I slide the key into the lock, turn, pull it back out, and open the door.

I walk to the the front room, placing her on my couch. I didn't have to turn the lights on because they were already on. The lights. Are on. I turned them off. I haven't touched them since. But there they are, glowing yellow. I whip my head to the left, shifting my attention from the door to the kitchen, from where I heard a noise. I snatch the rust coated aluminum bat from the door side, readying it behind my left shoulder.

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