Chapter 11

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I spended the day locked up in my room. Well not just me, but Megan and Jenna as well. The boys went out shopping, and Ryder was spending time with his cousin.

"So wait a minute, let me get this clear" Jenna said taking another spoonful of her Ben&Jerry's Rocky Road ice cream "You love Ryder, have a thing for Niall and might like Liam? Girl your a mess"

"Jenna! She just said she's getting an abortion and your worried about who she likes?" 

"Sorry Megan, but girl you could turn her life into a book and it could get a million veiws! Plus I never thought Danielle to be a bitch"

"Agreed" Megan said

"Guys..." I  covered my face with the pillow off the bed "I feel like shit. I'm the worst girlfriend AND the worst best friend"

"Don't say that" Megan said giving me a hug

"Its true" I argued

"No its not"

"Yes it is"

"No. Its. Not"

"QUIT IT!" Jenna screamed

"Owww.....Ears, Jenna" Megan said rubbing her ears.

She just smiled at herself and turned to face me "So, have you set an appointment?'

" No yet"

"Lil's, you know you gotta"

"Jen, just....i'll figure it out"

"Thats wahat you said 5 nights ago when we had the movie night at Zayn's" Megan included

"Don't teamup on me!" I said grabbing a gummy worm

"HONEY I'M HOME!!" I heard Louis yell from the kitchen

"Shit. Don't even mention a word about any of this" I hissed 

Jenna made a gesture of zipping her mouth shut and throwing away the key. I walked over and opened the door. The 3 of us walked over to the kitchen where Louis was aeating baby carrots dipped in ranch and Harry was making Pasta.

"What have  you naughty girls been up to?" Louis asked raising his eyebrows

"NOTHIIIIIING OF THE SORT!!! sir" Jenna yelled, stealing a carrot out of Louis hand with her mouth

"Got skills" He said at her

"What can I say, i'm the carrot master" She smirked

Louis gasped "YOU TAKE THAT BACK"

"NEVER" She yelled, running out of the kitchen as Louis chased her

"Perfect match, eh" Harry said nudging my elbow

 I nodded and sat on the couch, turning on the T.V. Megan continued talking with Harry in the kitchen and Jenna and Louis continued being wierd, while running around the house.

Me, I just felt extremly exhausted. Carrying a living being can make you tired. Extremly.

I tried to fight staying awake to watch the bit they had on T.V about Kristan and Robert Patterson getting back together. Mostly because they were going to talk about Jennifer Aniston's engagement next. But I couldn't stand it no more.I layed down on my side and let my eyes close

5 minutes I told myself

and everything became dark.

I turned over. Outside was dark. 

Is it nighttime already?

I looked at the T.V. A documentary about McDonalds was on. I clicked guide on the remote.

It's 9:27. Where did everyone go?

"Nice to see your finally awake"

I turned around and saw Liam at the dining table on his laptop.

"Christ, Liam. Don't do that again" I said clutching my heart "and where is everybody?"

"They all went out. Except Ryder didn't want to go without you and he stayed home and Eleanor had something to do"

"Oh. So why didn't you go"

"Didn't want you to be scared without a man around" He smirked

"Pshh. Your hardly a man" 

"HEY!" He yelled "I'm turning 19 in 2 months"

"19 dosen't make you a man" I said rasing my eyebrows

"Shut-up" He said, shutting his lap-top and grabbing my hand "Now, lets go"


"Lets go. We need more time together" He succesfully pulled me up and slipped my flats under my feet and dragged me out the door

"Liam. I don't know about this..."

"Trust me" He said, walking me around the block untll we reached the very childrens park where I told Niall about the rape.

 Is god trying to tell me something?

"LILLY" Liam snapped his fingers in front of my face


"Whats been up with you latley?" He questioned crossing his arms and looking at me straight in the face

"Nothing" I said

"It's not nothing Lilly"

"Liam. I'm fine" I said emotionless

"Fine" He said raising his hands in the air "Whatever you say"

"Good. Now come and lay down on the floor next to me" I said, patting the spot next to me, while I watched the stars up above. It was beautiful, really.

"Their so goddamn beautiful, huh Lil's" Liam said nudging me in the shoulders

"LIAM!!" I gasped

"What" He said turning around, worridly

"You never curse" I said covering my mouth to hold back my laugh

I wave of relief crossed his face "Oh, god. I thought something bad had happened"

" cursed. Which is my thing, so I guess thats bad"





We watched the stars for what felt like a few minutes. But when I took Liams phone from his pocket, it was actually about an hour.

I felt like this was the right time to tell him about the rape and everything tht has happened, but before the words could come out of my mouth, I flipped over on my stomach and stayed very still. Attaching my ear to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Liam questioned, looking at me weirdly

"You can feel the earths heartbeat if you stay very still and very quite" I told him.

He flipped over on his stomach as well, and put his ear against the ground.

 I felt a gentle thump, thump, thump. Then I began to hear it too Shoomp Shoop Shoomp

I looked over to Liam who was smiling which meant he could hear it as well. I smiled back and let the tears as I thought about my grandfather, god bless his soul. He was an amazing man, and I remember him showing my 5 year old self.

"This is amazing" Liam said 

"I know right"

I'll tell him some other night. I promise.

My Best Friend, Liam Payne (ON HOLD: CHECK BIO)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum