Chapter 10

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Hey guys! I forgot to mention that Jenna Bella, Lilly's best friend, is going to be playede by  @JME95XX. Check out her Baby Tommo series 'cause their really good :)

                                                                 **~Lilly's P.O.V~**

"You go Glen Coco!" Niall repeated for the millionth time since the movie ended

I threw the couch pillow at his face

"Oww...." He said, rubbing his head


"Yes! please!" Jade yelled, standing up to throw out the empty pizza box.

Niall looked at me and pouted. I pouted back. He smiled then winked and put his hand on my thigh and squeezed it.

I stiffened.

Does he still like me?

"Can we talk later?" He asked

"Sure" I said

If I had to be honest, I think the feelings I thought I had for him last week, are gone. But I think I still have a little left.

I looked down and looked back up to see a smirking Danielle. She looked at me and nodded her head in Niall's direction.

Crap. Did she see that?

As if reading my mind she nodded her head.

"You okay?" Ryder asked 

"Yeah" I said absent mindedly

He kissed me on my lips

"I've missed you" He whispered in my ear

It sended a small shiver down my back.

"I love you" He said

"Love you too" I lied

Truth is i'm confused about my feelings. I like Ryder a hell of alot. But i'm not as sure that I love him. At the beginning of summer I was 100% certain, but now...

I've still gotta clear up the Niall issue.

I'm not even sure. Latley I haven't been sure about anything. I'm such a bad girlfriend. I didn't even tell Ryder that i'm pregnant. and its not his baby. He dosen't know about the whole damn rape situation. No one knows except Niall, Megan, and Louis. Wow, not even my parents. 

I'm a horrible person. Whats wrong with me?

My eye were hot from the tears that were forming. But I continued beating myself up like this.

I don't deserve to be alive actually. 

Give my life to someone who needs it. Why do I have to be alive, why dosen't my life go to some poor kid in the hospital who would make use of his/her life and probably discover the cure for cancer? Some kid who's worth having life. Not me. I screw everything up.

I need to get out of here before I burst into tears

"I..erm...need to go for a walk" I said standing up

"I'll come with you" Ryder said

I sighed, not fighting back. I grabbed my jacket and put on my shoes

Louis stood up and walked over to us

Oh no.

"You better bring her back by 10:30. Or else" He said in his most fatherly voice he could

"Yes sir?" 

"Good" A satisfied Louis said, sitting back down

I face palmed myslef

"Awww...Lou, don't embaress the Lil's" Liam defended

"They better use protection..." I heard a girl mutter. Probably Leigh-Anne.

I laughed out loud and Ryder came up behind me and we intertwined our hands.

"You've got quite the friends"  Ryder said, looking back at the flat

"I know, their amazing right" 

"Yeah, i'm not so sure about Liam" Ryder said. 

I stopped and turned to him "What?"

"Not just him, but that blonde kid. and I hear curly flirts with girls alot"

"So you can't trust me with my best friends" I crossed my arms

"Look, I know you guys are friends and stuff, but be careful around them" He warned

"What? You think i'm a slut? That i'm going to go and sleep with each of them!?" I yelled



"I mean, your my girl" He smiled, and leaned down to try and kiss me

I pushed him away from me and continued walking down the block.

"Hey!" He yelled from where he continued to stand

"Fuck off!" I yelled back

"Comeon babe" He said running up to me. He turned me around and pulled me close "I'm sorry"

I rolled my eyes

"You know you like me" He slyly smiled. He kissed my lips, untill we were full on snogging.

"I'm gonna go back to Zayns place" I said pulling away from the kiss

In truth, I didn't really feel like walking with him. I was mad that he was telling me to back off my friends and slightly guilty that I wasn't telling him about the baby. Or the abortion.

Also I don't want to lead him on. I like Ryder, but i'm not so sure anymore. Especially now.

When we arrived at Zayn's flat I opened the door, and everyone was wathcing FINDING NEMO.

"Hey" I said

"Hope you guys had a great time" Harry said wiggling his eyebrows

"You better have used protection" Louis said wagging his fingers at us

"Whatever" I said, sitting down next to Liam on the couch. Danielle glared at us.

Ryder walked in and sat down next to me.

"Where are you staying?" I was curious about where he was going to stay in London.

"My cousin's flat. He lives by Town Square"


"Bye guys" Harry said, walking out the door to catch up with Louis

"Bye Lil's" 

"Bye Zayn" I ruffeled his hair, and he glared at me "Sorry" I laughed

"Bye" Liam said walking over to me and giving me a hug. I felt a tingle in my body and my heart started beating faster. I breathed in his scent and never realized how good he smells. Like Coffee and Dove soap.

Perrie, along with the rest of Little Mix, had left before we started the prank calls. Ryder and Eleanor  stuck around for a little and left at the same time and Danielle claimed she was tired and said she would meet Liam at home and left about an hour ago. So it was just me and my boys spending a little time together, which made me happy. 

"Don't forget about that talk, okay?" Niall whispered to me

"I won't"

He smiled, and squeezed my arm. Then he walked to his car and drove away.

Yup. Those feelings are still their.

The tingles were still on the spot where he squeezed my arm.

On the drive back to Louis and Harry's flat, while the guys sang to the top of their lungs when What Makes You Beautiful came on, I stayed quiet. Thinking, which is something I do alot of.

I love Ryder. Thats something obvious. But at the same time I like Niall and....Liam?

My Best Friend, Liam Payne (ON HOLD: CHECK BIO)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora