Chapter 9

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I opened the door and instead of 1 of the boys or something opening the door like I expected, it was someone else.

"Ryder" I breathed out

"Hey babe" He said embracing me in a hug

                                                           **~Liam's P.O.V~**

Me and Danielle walked up to the door and were greeted with Lilly and some dude kissing.

"Ahem" Danielle said rasing her eyebrows at the two

"Oh...Umm, this is Ryder. Ryder this is Liam and his girlfriend" She blushed as she introduced us to him

"Sup" he said, nodding his head

"Hey" I replied

Why did this guy bother me so much?

                                             **~Lilly's P.O.V~**

"Megan? Jenna?" I asked looking at the 2 girls that looked like my best friends

"Its us!" Jenna said raising her hans in the air

"Eeeeee!!" I squealed, while we hugged eachother.

I missed Megans random outbursts, and Jenna's outrageous, purple hair and her Australlian accent.

"We missed you" Megan said hugging me tighter

"You guys are early" I said

"Liam helped us suprise you" Jenna explained walking over to him and ruffling his hair

"Sneeky bitch" I said to him

"Hey" He said faking hurt

"You heard Her" Megan said snapping her fingers.

I looked over at Danielle who was sneering at us. She noticed me looking at her and she rolled her eyes and walked over to Eleanor.

I rolled my eyes back and walked over to Ryder who was having a conversation with Louis and Niall, I decided to join their conversation. Ryder noticed me and put his arm around my waist and I blushed a little.

To be honest, I don't have that same tingly feeling I used to get around him.

I noticed Niall frown a little.

"You better treat her well" Louis said half serious half joking "Because, if you don't me and the boys will come after you"

"Yeah, you don't need to worry about that" Ryder said leaning down and kissing me on my cheek

"PDA!!" Louis screamed. Everyone else in the room stared at us

"Oh, like you and Eleanor have never kissed" I told him

"Well, umm...."

"Exactly" I smirked

"Shut-up" Louis said

"Who's ready for the movie!" Perrie yelled

Jade, Jesy, and Leigh-Anne; The others members of Little Mix, started cheering and stuff.

We all started argueing over what movie to watch. Harry wanted The Notebook, Liam and Louis wanted Toy Story 3, Perrie, Jade, Megan, Eleanor, and Danielle wanted The Last Song.

In the end we picked Mean Girls.

"Lil's" Jenna nudged my shoulder "Come in the kitchen for a sec"

I followed her and Megan into the kitched

"Where are you girls going?" Zayn asked us

"Just making snacks" Megan said

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