Chapter 3

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I woke-up the next morning in my bed in the extra bedroom of Harry and Louis's flat.

They must of carried me here last night after the movie ended.

I got up and walked into the living room and saw Louis and Harry were already there eating cereal.

"Wussup" I yawned, streching my arms as I grabbed the Lucky Charms on top of the fridge.

"Ummm.....aren't you forgetting something?" Harry asked wiggling his eyebrows

"What?" I asked looking at the 2 boys with smirks placed on their face

"Your 'date' with Niall" Louis said

"Oh shit!" I yelled dropping the cereal box

"You better get ready, he said he'd be over around 10"

"ITS 9:15 AM LOUIS, WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS WAKE ME UP" I screamed running into the shower.

"Didn't come to mind" Harry smirked

"Shut-up" I yelled "Oh, and its NOT a date. I have a boyfriend"

"sure its not a date" Harry said sarcasticly

"Shut yo mouth boy" I said snapping my fingers

"Mmm-mmm, she just went Queen Latifah on you, Harry!"

I laughed as I ran into the bathroom and stripped my clothes and got into the shower. I only had 45 min to get ready. I took the fastest shower EVER. I mean, seriously, I've never washed my hair that fast before. I got out of the shower, wrapped the towel around me and I grabbed my toothbrush and hairdryer.

As I multitasked between the 2 a thought accured to my head. What if Niall thought this was a date?

Oh No!

I had to make it as clearly as possible that This. Is. Not. A. Date.

And then another thought occured to me, I have to tell Niall The Reason.

Suddenly I felt nausous, and the tears started to come back. Niall is my best friend. I should be able to tell him anything.

But, what about Liam? and the other guys?

aw shit.

I have to tell them too eventually. Liam's going to be crushed. And what was it with Niall saying I changed? I didn't change that much. Did I?

Enough thinking. I'm getting stressed and its not even 9:30 am yet.

I carefully opened the door, and looked out before running into my room.

Me and the boys are close.....but we ain't that close.

Coast Clear.

I ran out of the bathroom and into the hallway as fast as I could. When I made it into my room, I locked the door and sighed. I'm safe.

"Hello Gorgeous!"

"Niall wont be able to resist that"

"AHHH!!" I screamed

"Woah!! Its just us! dont worry" Louis said

"GET OUT!" I screamed

"No" Harry defied sitting up staright on the bed

"Oh Really?" I said looking at him

"Yep" He said popping the 'p'

"okay" I said walking out of the room, still in my towel, and grabbing a water bottle from the case in the hallway

"Here" I said opening the bottle and pouring it over his head

"What the freak was that for!" Harry screamed

"You didn't listen Mr.Stubborn" Louis said laughing

"Thats right, now get out" I said crossing my arms

"Okay, Okay" He said raisng his hands in the air in defence

"What about you Tommo?"

"I'm out!!" He yelled as he made his way out the door

"Good" I smiled locking the door.

I opened my suitcase and took out my blue skinny jeans and a random T-shirt. I went to the dresser mirror and decided that I should wear my hair curly, so I lotioned my hair and grabbed my denim blue headband. I put on some Mascara and lipgloss since I'm not a big fan of make-up. I looked thorugh my jewlery bag and decided on a pink circle necklace and some black feather earings.

I was done and checked myself out in the mirror, and took some pics on my phone to post on facebook later.

"LILLY! YOUR DATES HERE" Harry screamed, making me blush

"She's not my date" I heard Niall whisper

I looked at the clock, and the time was 9:53.

7 Minutes early

"I'M COMINGGGGG" I yelled back.

I grabbed my pink converse and walked out the room.

"You ready?" Niall asked

"Mmm-Hmm" I said walking out the door

"Use protection!" Louis yelled, so the whole neighborhood could hear.

"Or else we'll call Liam" Harry said

"Bye boys" I blushed, rolling my eyes.

"Those boys" Niall laughed, with a slight blush

"Ya" I said laughing with him


"Okay, enough procrastinating! Whats going on with you" Niall asked with seriousness in his voice.

We we're outside at a park eating a box of dounuts. Everything was going fine, all laughs and everything, untill Niall messed it up.

"No qustions untill the end, okay?"

"I promise"

"Alright" I began with the tears coming again

"A few months ago, I went to a party with my friends at a bar" I paused sighing at the memory "I knew my parents would say no, so I lied and said I was sleeping over at a friends house.The party went on untill about 3:00 am and I was a bit tipsy, but I had a sense of what I was doing. I was walking with my friend Jenna to her house, and she said she needed to use the bathroom. she told me to go walk to her house and that she would come after me, so me being my stupid self walked alone and thought taking this alley would be a shortcut

"I was so wrong! This guy was at the end of the alley was standin there, I got scared and turned the other way" I started crying really hard by then


"Wait. Before I was even out of the alley, the guy took my arm and pushed me against the wall. I screamed, but nobody heard me. He slapped me and told me to shut-up before he killed me. He took of my shirt and started touching me and kissing me in the wrong places!" I cried "He took of my pants and underwear and he r-r-"

"HE RAPED YOU" Niall scareamed "THAT SON-OF-A"

"Niall thats not all....I'm pregnant."

uh-oh! Whats gonna happen next!? You'll have to tune in tomorrow night!

Anyways....what are your opinions on this?

and theres a picture of Lilly's outfit on the side ->

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