Chapter 6

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"Niall, stop" I said pulling away from the kiss.

"What do you mean" He murmured, kissing my neck again

"Stoooooppp" I moaned, pushing him away. A look of hurt washed all over his face

"Niall, I have a boyfriend. Remember?"


"Yeah, and I just practiacally cheated on him!" I yelled worridly

"Don't worry about it" He said getting off of me

"What do you mean?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him

"Its not like we slept with eachother, right?" He said raising his eyebrows

"I guess..." I said. I looked at him, and saw how sad he looked.

"Cheer up, Nialler" I smiled, punching his arm lightly "Your still an awesome guy"

"Thanks" He smiled

"And, ummm....Niall?" I asked nervously


"Can, I, uh....sleep over tonight. I'm not exactly comfortable going home this late at night"

"Sure. But I only have 1 room" He said looking at me


"I'll sleep on the floor, if you don't mind"

"Niall, no"

"Your pregnant"

I stayed quiet.

"Okay! Its official, your sleeping on the bed!" He said hopping off the bed and grabbing a bunch of blankets, and making a sleeping spot on the ground

I rolled my eyes and walked over to his closet and pulled out a pair of boxers and a Jack Willis shirt

"Hope you don't mnd" I said walking over to the bathroom

"Nah, it's not a bother" He said

I locked the door, and double-checked. I can never be sure around guys no more. I changed, and folded my clothes. I walked out of the bathroom, and saw that Niall was already in his boxers

"Like what you see?" He smirked

"As if" I joked, snuggling under the covers

"You know you like it" He said

"Goodnight, Nialler" I said

"Night Lil's" He said back, turning off the lights.

I could never fall asleep right away. I think and think and think.

Naturally, I thought about the baby.

How was I going to tell the other guys?

What was I going to do with this?

Was I going to keep it?

I heard Niall snore, and I couldn't help but think of how cute that was.

Do I like Niall?


Who, i'm starting to like less and less.

What was it with Danielle today? Why was I so rude?

NO. No, no, no, no, no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will not turn out to be like those girls in sappy love stories that fall in love with their best friends!

I refuse.

My eyes started to get droopy, and it was starting to get harder and harder to keep my eyes open. I shut my eyes and everything went dark.


I'm walking down a alley way.

I'm tipsy but have a sense of where i'm going.

This is too familiar.

I see a guy and my instincts tell me to turn away.

I turn around and start walking faster untill I feel someone grab my arm. Hard.

I scream, and he pulls out a knife

Tells me to shut-up, otherwise he'll kill me.

I yell for help, and I fell a sharp pain, on my shoulder blade.

I look and see it dripping in blood, and I cry.

"I told you to shut-up" He yells

He pushes me against a wall and pulls down my pants.

Everything is utterly and completly over..... 

"Lilly, LILLY!! WAKE-UP" Niall say's shaking my arm violently.

"WHAT!?" I yell sitting straight up in bed

"You were screaming and yelling in your dreams" He said looking at me worridly

"I-I-" I break down crying.

He hugs me tight and pulls me close to him.

"Shhhh" He says kissing my forehead everso lightly.

"It's okay" He keeps telling me.

After the tears stop he askes me what happened.

"I had that dream" I said shaking

"About?" He asked confused

"That night" I said, tears coming again

"Shhhh" He says again. He comes under the blanket holding me.

"Don't cry" He says

"Niall?" I said after a short while

"Hmm" He says

"Thanks" I whispered

"No problem"

He kept holding me like this, untill he fell asleep.

I, however, stayed awake.

I pulled up the shirt I was wearing, and looked at my shoulder.

I made my desicion. 

I know whats going to happen to this baby.



Whats the secret???

You'll have to wait untill the next update :P

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