Chapter 8

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"How was your night at Niall's?" Harry asked when I walked into the door


"Niall called us, so we wouldn't be worried" Louis said

"Soooooooo.....what were you guys up to last night?" Harry asked again, wiggling his eyebrows "You know he lives in a 1 room, right?"

"Nothing, you bastard" I said punching his arm

"Owww...." He said rubbing his arm

"MY HAZZA!!" Louis yelled, running over to his sidfe

I smiled and walked into the room that I was staying in.

How am I going to tell these guys? or Liam, for that matter?

I've never kept a serious secret from Liam. He's my best friend. The person that I go to, always. Speaking of Liam i'm forgetting something.....

Oh shit!


I'm so dead. What time is it?


Oooookayyy. I'm late.

I picked up the phone to call Liam


"Liam! Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry! I forgot about the trip, i'm getting ready right now" I told him, while I ran into the bathroom.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I'll be their in a half hour, kay?"

Damn. What did I do to deserve a friend like him?

"Bye Leeeeeeyuuuuuuuuum" I said, stretching out his name.

I hanged up on a laughing Liam.

Okay. Its go time. 

I quickly got into the shower and washed my hair. I soaped myself up and got out as fast as I could. I wrapped myself in the towel, and ran down the hallway, making sure none of the guys were out there.

Coast Clear.

I locked the door, and sighed. I just can't trust guys anymore.

I looked at my phone. I have 15 min.

Shit. Thats not enough time to straighten this curly mess.

But, I went for it anyway.

I straightened my hair, while I was stil in the towel. Finally, after a good 25 min, I was done. Plus Liam and Danielle could arrive any minute. I ran to the closet that I had placed my clothes in one day, and threw all of my clothes on the floor.

I ended up with a glittery silver tank-top and a pair of denim short shorts. I grabbed my black sandels and did took my time with the make-up, because I don't want to end up looking like a clown.

I put on the foundation, and a bit of concealer to hide the bags under my eyes from the times I couldn't sleep. A bit of mascara and eyeliner, and some pink lip-stick and I was set.

As much as I hate make-up, nobody's perfect. 

I went down the hall and sat on the couch with my boys.

"Wow" Louis said

"Daaaaaaaaamn" Harry exclaimed

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked nervousley

"NO! I mean, no" Harry said walking over to me "We're just not used to seeing you dress like that, I mean you know, your always covering your skin and stuff"

My Best Friend, Liam Payne (ON HOLD: CHECK BIO)Where stories live. Discover now