Chapter 5

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I sat down on the couch and pulled out the movie from the bag.

The Pregnancy Pact.

I've heard of this movie before, and now, I guess I really want to watch it. How I got pregnant has nothing to do with how those girls got pregnant. But either way, those girls and me are all pregnant.

Earlier me and Niall stopped by the library and we rented the movie. Actually, Niall sugested and I thought, why not?

"You ready?" Niall said coming into the room with a bowl filled to the brim with popcorn.

"Yup" I said holding out the bag of hershy kisses, and skittles.

"Pop it in" He said sitting down next to me.

I put the movie into the DVR and sat back on the couch, I pressed play on the remote and the movie begun.


"Wow. Can you belive this is an actual true story in The States" Niall said

"I know" I said looking down at my stomach, tears coming to my eyes.

"Hey...don't cry" Niall said wiping the tears coming down my eyes with his thumb.

I blushed. Again. 

What is up with me and blushing latley?

All of a sudden a nauseous feeling came to my stomach, and I jumped up

"Are you okay?" Niall said jumping up and racing to me

I shook my head no, and Niall gave me a extremly panicked face

I ran to the bathroom and kneeled in front of the toilet, puking my guts out.

"Shit" I kept saying in between gasps

I felt Niall come and hold my hair.

After I was done dying, I brushed my teeth, and sat down on the floor in the living room. Out of no where Niall came and put his arms around me.

I blushed again, for the upteenth time. What am I doing. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!!!

He pushed my hair out of the way and kissed my neck. I moaned.

"N-Niall" I started

"Shhhh" He told me as he carried me into his room.


Sorry guys. This chapter is so short. Next one will be longer, I promise :)) I was wathcing this movie called The Pregnancy Pact. It's a really good movie. I decided to include it on here.

My Best Friend, Liam Payne (ON HOLD: CHECK BIO)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum