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A/N : firstly I'm so so sorry guys for this looong wait. I got drowned in endless assignments and exams of college so I barely had chance to even look at wattpad. however, please forgive me I know it was very annoying. thank you for staying patient love you guys.

now lets get it!!

I stood there frozen. My heart was pumping so fast that I could feel the pulses in my throat and ears. My mouth felt dry. I tried to swallow but failed miserably. Where are my saliva? Where are they when I need them the most?

My brain informed that

this is going to be a long night.

I saw the same black shadow standing on the other side of the window, sticking with the glass.
It was somehow trying to open the window but couldn't because locked from inside.

The room was completely dark, only the moonlight from the two windows were falling on the floor. The temperature dropped so low that I could see my breath were fogging. My body hairs were literally standing straight on my skin.

My head snapped to the other side when I heard an urgent footsteps almost running throughout the hallway. My breathing became uneven. There were only two sound can be heard. My breathing and the click-clack sounds of the window as the creature was trying to open it.

"Rach? Rach? Where are you?" Nick asked, in soft yet very sharp voice.

I sighed in slight relief. Then my head turned to the window. The thing was still there , trying to open the window.

"I'm here" I said in an almost inaudible voice.

Nick entered in the room. He was about to say something, but got interrupted by the scenery in front of him.

"Hey listen, there's a..." he stopped. His eyes glued to the window like mine.

"What is that thing? And why the hell it's so cold here?" He whispered.

"I don't know"I whispered back.

"How.." that was the only word left his mouth.

"It came back" I stated "again".

We saw, Lucky was not standing anymore. She got down from the bed and now walking towards the window.

"Oh! No! Don't open it!" I almost ran towards her and grabbed her.

"Hey! Let go of me!"She yelled.

"I said, don't open it!" I was pulling her back.

"No. I haven't played with joy the entire day because of you! Now go away ! Let me go! Leave us alone!" She was fighting me back.

All the chaos woke our family members up. Mum and dad ran to this room followed by Andy and Arty. Bella was still sleeping in my room.

"What's wrong?" Mom asked

"That...thing" me and Nick both pointed at the window together.
But the thing was gone.

"What!?" Mom asked with a disgusted face. She really hates being woken up from her sleep.

"Honey, can you check the heater? This room is freezing!" She said.

"I already checked it before bed. I don't know what's happening" dad replied hugging himself.

To be honest, the temperature was pretty stable now. It wasn't as low as it was, a few minutes ago.

Lucky started crying. She was mumbling"joy is gone! Because all of you, joy is gone."

"All of you! Off to bed! I'll take care of her."mom yelled.

We left quietly. I forgot to ask Nick what the hell he came to me to talk about.

I entered my dark room where Bella was sleeping peacefully in my bed. The room was extremely chilly. I hugged myself as I walked to my bed. I got up and lied down covering myself with blanket. Trying not to wake her up.

I don't know how much time passed. I was just drifting into sleep when I felt the bed moved. I ignored as it might be Bella wiggling. I heard she's mumbling something.

"Umhmm...let us go...leave us alone...hmmmm" she was mumbling in her sleep. Probably having a bad dream.

I shook her slightly.

"No...let us go! This is my house, my family..let us go" she kept saying.

"Hey, hey, it's okay , you're having a bad dream, it's okay" I embraced her patting her back softly. She stopped and started sleeping peacefully again.

I turned around, closed my eyes, trying to grab my sleep back. When the sudden voice of Isabella scared the hell out me.

"This is my house!" She yelled.

I almost jumped sat on the bed.


"This is my house! Why you kept nagging! You can't do anything to us!" She was standing beside the bed.

This time she was not dreaming, she was wide awake.

"Who are you talking to?" I walked towards her.

"Why can't you see her!" She yelled.

"See what?" I really cannot see anything. But all I could feel was the bad smell.

"Ugh! That smell!" I exclaimed.
It's kind of a smell of rotten meat and old cupboard. It's really bad, like something died.

I was shocked. It was like, the odor suddenly got slammed into my nostrils. Even a few moments ago, it was perfectly fine. But suddenly it started to diffuse in the air. Making it heavier and unable to breath.

"Hey! Open the Windows. I can't breathe" I ran towards the window and opened it with a bang. Chilling air ran inside .

I stood frozen near the window as I was feeling the chilled breath near my neck. I tried to convinced myself that it was the chilly air coming from the open window and passing through my neck, but it was useless. I could definitely feel another presence behind my back. something is standing and staring right at me. it was so close that I could clearly feeling the ear of its breathing.

"oh my God!" Bella whispered in a sharp tone. fear was dripping from her voice. "its standing right behind you"

I was still standing frozen. my heart hammering inside my chest. my arms shaking, my entire body felt numb. but I cannot stay like a clay model the entire night can I ? I had to do something about it.

so gathering all my fears I turn around.

then everything happened so fast that my brain was unable to register everything. immediately after I turned around, I saw a figure probably a female figure ( again I'm not sure) jumped over me.

I let out the loudest scream possible at it straddled me. this time I was laying in the ground with this scary figure on top of me. all I could notice was its eyes. it was blank white with blood tint in it. an another thing was the skin, which was dead white and cold as ice.

the next moment I heard the banging and breaking of the door when Nick almost dragging me from my position and hugging me. I was crying desperately clinging to him.

he was hugging me tight and patting my back continuously. my mom was so shocked that she broke into sobs immediately.

"somebody please tell me what the hell is going on!" dad yelled

we need to talk about this, cause things are going out of control.

I don't know whatever it is, its not cause us any good but it will harm us. its dangerous and we cannot leave it like that

next chapter will come sooner I promise ;)

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