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So, let's start our journey

*sweats nervously* 😅

The continuous noise of ambulance was now seriously getting into my nerves. I supported my left hand on my forehead, and other hand was tightly locked in Sarah's palm. I admit that Sarah is my step mother but I've never seen a lady as sweet as her. She was never like 'so called' step mothers who usually torture children from previous wife. She always pampered us and spoiled us with everything. This is the third time she conceived. But somehow she was not healthy with the baby at all.
This time something was always wrong with her pregnancy. She faced a lot complications . Things were not working out smooth. Even tonight we all woke up with her Labour pain. After a few minutes while we were busy calling ambulance and hospitals she suddenly passed out.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Mom will be okay" Nick said and threw his arm around me.

I let out a long breath "I hope so"

Me and Nick were the only two who were with Sarah in the ambulance. She was lying lifeless in the bed with oxygen mask and saline on.
Dad was following us in car with other children.

Finally our ambulance slowed down. Lights evidenced that we reached hospital. The back door swung open. Two men dragged the stretcher out and carried her inside. Me and Nick stepped down as well.
"Hey. Take care of kids while I'm there okay?" Dad patted our shoulder and almost ran inside as well. The other kids walked to us .
"You guys want some hot chocolate?" Nick tried to cheer them up. But nothing was working. hey, It's their mother after all ,they are supposed to be worried.All of them are so scared that there skin became pale white.

"Oh come on bella! Cheer up! She's fine. We will have another baby in our family!" I said cupping little cheeks of Isabella who was about to cry. I had to kneel down to reach her height.
"Lets go inside. It's really cold here. I'll bye them hot chocolate. You go and see what's going on with dad." Said Nick.
"Okay" I stood back up and left kids with Nick.

After a while walking, I saw dad at the end of the corridor. He was having some serious conversation with the doctor.
"what's going on." I asked.
"You?" Doctor turned to me.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Rachel Peterson. Daughter of Adam and Sarah Peterson." I smiled.
"How old are you" doctor frowned. Maybe he thought I'm too young to talk about pregnancy stuff.

" I'm 17"

"She's my eldest daughter" my dad said." Feel free to talk to her. She knows best"

"Hmm...what about your siblings?" The doctor asked

"Well, I have one elder brother Nicholas Peterson, he's 18. We're her step children. Then Sarah have rest three kids. Andrew and Arthur. They are twins 11 years old. And one last sister Isabella 7 years old." I took a long breath after finishing my speech.

"Okay. So means this is her third time pregnancy right?"

"Yes" me and my dad said unison.
My biological mom died when I was really young, I can't even remember. The only memory I had of her was playing in the park and lastly her asthma attack before her death. I saw her picture afterwards. And she was really pretty.
So, as the only girl child of the family, I learned to take care of my own and my dad and brother. After few years he married Sarah. Dad was always very friendly with us and almost consults everything before doing. We were very comfortable with each other. For the circumstances we became even more mature than our age .

"Okay...so the problem is her uterus became infected, so its affecting her nervous system. Situation is very unfortunate." Doctor made a sad face. "Now according to our test results, we have to save either one of them. Mother or the baby."

My heart literally stopped beating. You know that mini heart attack you get when you miss a step in stairs? Yes that kind of feeling. I can't loose Sarah. She's the only lady in my life. I can't loose her. I don't know what would I do without her.

"What? That's not possible. There must be another way." My voice broke.

"I can't help it. But unfortunately there isn't any other way. The infection is severe"

"What I'm gonna tell to kids now?" Dad broke into tears.

"See, the choice is your whether you want to save the baby or the
mother . We will further proceed as you sign the bond papers." Doctor repeated" you must hurry. We can't leave her like that. Things can only gets worse"

1 hour later.....

After a long discussion, we decided that we will let Sarah live. Very much sadly, to save her we have to kill the child. Nick was very anxious about future. What if Sarah wakes up and want to see her new baby? What are we going to tell her?how will she react? The three kids were looking very confused with our sudden change in reactions. The canopy of sadness was spread all across our family.

Again, 2 hours later.

All of us were sitting numb in front of the operation theatre. The nurse came out with a baby in her arms.

"Uh...mister Peterson?" She called out.
Dad almost jump out of his seat.
"Here's your baby girl..she was pretty" the nurse said last three words almost silently.
We all broke into tears.
"How's mom?" Nick asked.
"She's recovering" Nurse said and left quickly.
"Dad?"I said as I took the baby in my arms. Dad was crying desperately. After my mum's death I never saw him crying like that.

The baby was lying peacefully in my arms, her eyes closed, and little palms laying over her chest. Somehow I was holding my tears back. I have to stay strong to support my family.

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Hopefully you'll like it


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