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As I promised, next chapter is here! Enjoy!

Suddenly, I noticed the pinky of the baby moved. Whoa wait a minute. I said mentally.
"Dad!" I yelled. He barely looked at me.
"Her....Her fingers....it's moving" I jumped in happiness.

"What the nonsense !"dad said
"No....see" I carried the baby closer.
His eyes exploded seeing the movement of the baby's movement.
"Doctor! Nurse!" He started shouting.
"What is it sir?" The same nurse walked towards us.

"Can you recheck my baby? She's moving her fingers!" Dad was literally throwing his hands everywhere.

"But sir that's impossible! Try to understand!"

"But it happened...." I said.

Nurse simply nodded and left to call the doctor. The doctor came with nurse and he had that I-don't-believe-you-at-all kind of look.

"Please, please check her out!" Dad pleaded. To be honest, I couldn't believe my own eyes. What is happening? A baby who was declared to be dead, showing evidence of life?! How is this possible. Doctor was obviously trying to make us believe that these are emotional vision.We are having illusion because of emotional attack. It can never be true. But we were so stubborn that finally we made him check the new born.

He carried the baby inside the chamber. His eyes formed to big circles when he checked the heart beat.

"She is alive" he whispered in amazement." I can't believe it!" She did some other tests to conclude.

"Congratulations Mr. Peterson. you have a girl" the nurse smiled
"This is the most miraculous thing ever happened in my 28 years of career. A baby survived like that? But I'm sure that previously we did all our tests absolutely correct. Their results were correct too. How is this happening? I don't know.My mind still not getting over it" doctor said handing us the baby.

Who cares? We had our baby back. What can be more exciting? My new sister is alive. After all.

Our family was like rejuvenated. Everyone was smiling, other kids were so excited to see their little sister. After a while, Sarah also woke up and I saw her eyes were glinting with tears. She was so happy to have another daughter.

"What should we name her?" Dad asked. So, the children started babbling different names for her.

"Hmm...What about lucky?" I suggested.

"Lucky? Why that name?" Dad asked.

"Because she is lucky right? That she survived. When we all lost hope, she shown her existence. She's definitely lucky."

"Hey that's a cute and unique name" Nick patted my back.

"Mom what do you think?"

"Thats very cute. " She replied, slowly pacing her baby front and back.

"Okay so lucky, welcome to the world" Nick said
"Yaaayyy!" Kids shouted

4 years later.

One evening, we were all doing well, just spending our usual life routine. Life was going in normal pace and pattern.

"Rach, what's the time?" Nick asked. His eyes fixed to the laptop screen.

"8. It's already in your screen dumbo! I wonder where's dad? He's never that late." I replied.
Lucky was playing in my arms. She's jolly and smiling all the time. In these three months, a lot of changes happened in her. She grown a bit, her dark eyes turning into blue ones. Her head grown curly blonde hair. Surprisingly, none of our family had blue eyes or blonde or curly hair. We all have either green or hazel eyes and we all are Brown headed, mostly straight hair. I don't know where did she got that.

Anyway, Sarah was busy cooking so, I was in charge of lucky.

"I'm home" dad said.

"Hey dad wassup?" Nick exclaimed. Finally looking up from the screen.
"Welcome home honey" mom said.

Dad placed his bag in the table and said" I have both good and bad news"

"What is it?" Sarah said wiping her hands with a rag.

"The good news is that I've finally got the promotion I was striving for."

" wow dad that's cool!" I said.
"Sad news?"

"Sad news is, we have move to California."

"What? But that's too far." Sarah said.

"I know, my job got transferred because of the promotion."

"Did you look for any house there?"

" yes . One of my colleague gave me the source. Look" he took out a old paper, where they had the planning and pictures of the house " see, here's a house with two floors. It's really big, enough for our family of eight. Have a big lawn a pond a big backyard. It also have a cellar so, we will have some extra footage there. "

He was showing us the picture. The house was really impressive. It was big and sophisticated. Beautiful lawn. Though it has a few dead flower . But it doesn't matter. Maybe it's been a really long people lived here. So there was no one to water the plants.

"It must be costly." Sarah said.

"No. It isn't. I talked with the owner. He was desperate to sell the house. It had some dispute of documents but all are solved now. He gave that mansion in really affordable cost" dad paused for a awhile and continues" but surprisingly total three families lived here. But none of them stayed more than a week"


"Yes. Isn't that very odd. All of them left within a week"

" Maybe coincidence. " Nick shrugged.

" Yeah I think that too" I replied.

"Okay, as we don't have any choices, we should move as fast as possible. So y'all should start packing. I would try to move before this weekend."

"Aye aye captain" we saluted .

Next two days went very fast. We were very busy packing our stuffs . Emptying our wardrobes and trunks. Almost all cutlery and others were already packed and moved.

The day finally arrived. We were walking out in the porch. A traveller was waiting at the gate. We handed the key to the new owner of the house. Isabella was carrying a little backpack and her cat Lucy in her arms. Arthur and Andrew had their luggage with them. Me and Nick were helping dad loading other bags in the car. Sarah came with her bag and carrying lucky in her arms. Lucky seems a bit off beat today. She wasn't smiling as usual. And was kind of irritated. I don't know what her problem is.

Everyone settled inside the traveller. I took a last view at our house. It evidenced so much happy and sad memories. Memories of my childhood, Nick's childhood. Our tricycle rides. Mom giving us piggyback. Our pre school and elementary school days. Mom leaving us forever. Wedding of Sarah. Her 1st pregnancy...so many things. Maybe the owner had changed but it will never change the stories that had been written on the walls,through all these years. The colour of our touch, each laughter, each fight , each tears will never  fade away.

Our car roared starting it's engine, dragging me into the reality. Tear gathered in my eyes. The tyres started to roll. I saw our house getting smaller and smaller and finally disappearing.

Also it was exciting, New home new beginning new experience.

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