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Excuse me for what am about to say because it true for me

The pain I feel it hurts, memories constantly in  my head on replay . You'd  think after all this time I'd  move on that I'd  be better that I'd  forget about everything you said to me but I can't I just simply  can't  forget about everything  .

Everytime I think of you all I can feel is the pain curl up in pain and tears and hope to die .  I love you I'm  foolish I know , I know you told me not to love you but I couldn't  stop even if I wanted to . It hurts how you could  so easily  forget me walk away from me hurt me without  a second  thought.  While I , I can't even imagine  doing the same all the times you hurt me your words cutting  me endlessly but I still love you

Why do you hate me so much ? What did I do

Why do you love her more  than me ?

Why shun me? Why tell me you don't love me but open our bond. Why hate me and still talk to me ?  Why torture  me when you know I still love you

Tears streaming  down my face like a river everything I hear you say I don't love you . As tough as I can be you show me that I'm not strong  at all

Yet foolish  me I guess I like the bad treatment constant slaps to the face seeing you choose her over me I guess I like crying. There's no us  yet there's nobody else for me  I tried you know I did try  to move on . But they hurt me all the same leave me all the same im not valuable  to anybody I'm never going to be enough  either I'm worthless to everyone
But I love you
I know I shouldn't
I'm not worth your time
Since this is it I'll  make it easier for everyone.....
Just die make it easier

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