The Loosing Game

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You know that feeling you get when things change without you knowing

It sucks....then all you can do is wait .....Because your lost as to what happened

Sometimes I wonder if its just I moving to fast or to slow

The feeling takes apart of your soul because you never thought it would get to this point

You don't know what to do because there is nothing you can actually do to change it

You tried .....but you failed ....its nothing like when you feel yourself loosing and seeing it happen to

The Loosing Game and you're the actual one loosing because the foundation you built is crumbling

Every road has its bump's but when those bump's turn into pot holes .....if you don't fix them in time there only going to get bigger.....until you ask yourself what's the point in fixing it

Only in the worst ways .....the thoughts of the heart broken and the lonely and depressed......😞

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