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Screaming until the voices in my head die down.....

So tired of being abused mentally and physically by those that hurt you.... Even the ones you call family and friends

So tired of being broken inside bit pain is the only thing keeping me alive....

Fed up ....I..... THINK .......AM..... DONE.....

I wasn't enough .....made me believe I was the only one but in the end I was just the stupid one 

Drowning in these tears are a lost lonely girl

WHY ....ME ....why is all I ask ...cause these tears of agony 

Through my heart against a wall so it could stop beating ....so I could finally know what it is not to feel 

smashed my head against the wall....and let me see the stars 

you cant see the love I had ....so let me show you my pain....

slit my wrist a thousand times ...but you wont allow me the right to die

The right not to feel...broken inside

They say only the strong survive ....but sometimes the strong just wants to give up 

Sometimes the strong become the weak ....and weak become strong 

Maybe am just not cut out to survive anymore .....

But my anger helps me survive .....vengeance is worst than revenge.... And my silence will be what kills you most

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