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In the end we're still only human

You don't get up because you want to, you get up because you have to

you fight and push harder than everyone else because if you don't then who will

No longer caring how you feel but for the people around you

They see something that you don't see ,push you when you don't feel like going any further

To them you're this warrior that just doesn't give up when you do

It uncommon to them to see when you do and in such a dark place

It hurts them more than it hurts you to be in such a state

what hurts you is the disappointment in their eyes ,it cuts you open like a knife

It's like the boss stops becoming the boss and now the employee

You can't stop becoming the boss because your tired of the fight

and you can't be tired because someone else is depending on you to get up

So whether you like it or not you can't just stop being the boss

Because some ones depending on you because its impossible its like a second nature

You can't get rid of it

Because the boss can never ever be the employee

Just like how we can only be human.

hey guys can you listen to the song until the end thanks loves....xoxoxo

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