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There comes a time in your life when you start wonder how your life is going to be in the next five years. 

For me ..... I want to stop feeling lonely, unwanted and ignored maybe have a few kids and know how it feels to vibe with someone I actually love.

Sometimes you just get fed up having to explain yourself and honestly that's how am feeling today

Whats the point in explaining if no one ever really understands? Much less care

anit  like they can't see it or feel it just choosing to ignore it because what do they care...they happy with who the wanna be with

And honestly what else is there left to say ....am not ok ...am not happy I never really was for a while ......Depressed with a lotta stress ...so am sorry if i dont got much to say

They always wanna come with your attitude stinks ....well you anit making me happy so yeah it kinda dose stink like your breathe but you dont see me throughing shade.

Ok..... ok your talking and am  not even trying to listen cause you always wanna come with advice shit like you understood a word I just said

You know what I really wish I could do  FORGET... I swear like I wish I had the luxury you have to be able to forget like nothing ever happened

How you finna do that huh? How you just gone remember a piece and not the entire thing

Man I swear life hates me I swear like I swear it never wants me to be happy

You know whats sad ......I still CARE for you but you dont even know I EXIST....

thoughts of the lonely and depressed......XX/xx 


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