I remember you

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animals rest around you, sleeping soundly under the bright smile of the moon
people are at their best around you, reading to you sonnets from the dead of hellos and goodbye with such sad eyes
your heart beating and bleeding in your lap a nasty mess you've let yourself become and your smile is something sinister, well this spinster can move dance baby dance shake out the pain and purge the red hot brand of anger before it eats you alive.

we live in the woods by a pond in my head, everything goes quite, nature speaks loud and uninterrupted, every magical thing that lives in that pond joins us for tea and lemon poppyseed muffins and a good ol blunt and you are alive and well and we are talking and laughing to eachother and I am not talking and crying to just a picture of you anymore because you're right there and everything is well.

nostalgia is a nightmare you didn't understand then and tears you to pits now, lock the closet with your stuff lock my heart up too because you aren't coming home and I'll be damned if anyone else steals your stuff but I'll still go out into the woods with you in my heart since you can't be by my side, the leaves crunch under my feet and I'm looking for our pond and the magic and I'm waiting for you to tell me I'm going the right way because you always knew the right way to go.

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