Lip Syncing To Porn

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Tongue lolled out bleeding out salvia, eyes bulging bloodshot, veins bursting from skin, pupils dilated and drunken on my body as they ask me to describe it.

They ask me to describe it yet I know if I went through their browser history it would be heavily stocked with great EDUCATIONAL links yet they still feel the need to link me in, not spoken word poetry but spoken word porn.

They ask me to describe it so they can document it like look, two lesbians in their most natural of states and I. got. to. watch.- in my mind with my imagination that I only ever use when my dick is in my hand, like look, I talked to a lesbian and now I know everything, well EVERYTHING THAT MATTERS ANYWAY like how they fuck and why they don't want to fuck me and like look, I'm just a confirmation that their wet dreams exist though when they exit out of the page, I am of course OF COURSE EXCUSE ME to exit myself out of reality.

They ask me to describe it so I do, starting with, "well your girlfriend" and ending it with, "and that's why your girlfriend is no longer your girlfriend."

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