Chapter 24: When both mangaka and assistant is sick

Start from the beginning

Opening the message, he has hoping that Katsuki would gives him an answer to why he didn't come to school with Izuku today. One look at the message has him staring at his phone in shock. Letting their curiosity taking over, both Kaminari and Ashido peek over Kirishima's shoulder to get a better look at the message.

[Bakubro: Help]

"SCARY!!" Kaminari exclaimed, causing his two friend to flinched at his sudden outburst.

"What's so scary about the message?" Kirishima asked.

"Don't you find it extremely scary that Bakugou is asking for help?! It's totally out of character for him to be asking for help!!"

Ashido grabbed Kirishima's shoulder and starts shaking him. "Try calling him, Kirishima! Something really bad must have happened to him!"


Going to the contact list, Kirishima tapped on Katsuki's name and hit the call button, putting it on speaker. After a few rings, he finally pick up the phone, much to everyone's relief.

"Bakugou! Is everything alright over there?! Are you alright?!" Kirishima asked, louder than he has intended. From the other side, he can hear someone panting and coughing really badly.

"Oi, oi! This sounds really bad! He sounds like he's dying over there!"

"Don't jinx him, Bakaminari!"

(Note: For those who didn't get it, Ashido combined the word idiot (baka) with Kaminari's name.)

Once the coughing fits stop, Katsuki... or rather, Izuku spoke up in a hoarse voice. "Ki... Kirishima-kun...?"

"Eh? Midoriya? Why do you have Bakugou's phone?" Kirishima asked.

"Ah... I was trying to message my mom... but it looks like I grabbed Kacchan's phone without knowing-" Izuku was cut off mid-sentence when he starts to cough again.

"How in the world can you even get the wrong phone and message the wrong person?" Kaminari thought.

"Never mind that, are you with Bakugou right now?"

"Y-yes... I'm at K-Kacchan's... house... staying overnight..."

"Got it, we're coming over right now so-"

"Before you come over, c-can you help us to buy some ink...? We ran out... of it..."

The trio stare at the phone with a dumbfounded expression.

Help them to buy ink...? Does that means that Izuku and Katsuki is working on their manga right now? Are they for real? Working on the manga even when they are sick and unwell? Rather than asking them to buy ink, couldn't Izuku ask them to buy medicine for them? Is their manga more important than their own health?!

Damn! Someone need to stop these crazy workaholics!


Izuku was waiting for his friends reply with a confused look. It was rather weird for them to stay silent like this. Then without any warning, the trio shouted from the other side of the phone.


Because of their sudden outburst, Izuku nearly dropped Katsuki's phone by accident. Dear lord, that seriously scares him. He didn't knew that they would scream at him like this. Did he said something wrong or weird that causes them to act like this?

"Why are you working on the manga even when you're sick?! You should be taking care of your body first!!" Ashido scolded.

"Just because you guys are unable to come to school, that doesn't means that you should be working on your manga either! And rather than buying the ink, ask us to buy the medicine for you instead, you workaholic idiot! Are you guys trying to become another Oda-sensei?!" Kaminari retorted.

(Note: Kaminari is referring to the author of One Piece, Eiichiro Oda.)

"Anyway, we're coming over as soon as we can so please rest. We'll handle the rest of the pages later on. Oh, if Bakugou is still working, get him to stop and rest. Well then, we'll see you later!"

And Kirishima ends the call.

Izuku slowly turn his head and stares at Katsuki, who is glaring at the paper in front of him, unable to move his hand and draw like the way he wanted while trying to keep his body straight and preventing himself from face planting onto the table.

This is the first time Izuku saw Katsuki like this and he wanted to curse his own body for not being strong enough to fight off the stupid cold. If Katsuki is the only one getting sick, Izuku can use this chance to take care and look after him! After reading other shoujo manga, Izuku found out that he wanted to try the 'looking-after-your-sick-boyfriend' scenario since Katsuki has never caught a cold before.

Izuku wouldn't mind it if he was the one being sick as long as Katsuki is the one looking after him. He can get to see Katsuki's 'sweet and tender' side...

If he does has a gentle side to him...

When Izuku tried to imagine a gentle Katsuki looking after him, all he can see is an image of the blond yelling at him for being weak and dumb enough to catch a stupid cold... while looking after him with the upmost care. Yeah, that's definitely how Katsuki would handle things. He'll give the best performance but he'll be shouting and cursing at the same time.

If it was Izuku, he would probably make a few mistakes here and there but he'll still do his best in nursing Katsuki back to health. But with their current condition... there's no way that they could nurse each other while working on the manga at the same time.

He'll have to wait for Kirishima and the others to arrival.


A/N: Hang on guys! We'll be reaching the chapter where Kacchan and Deku confess to each other soon! Probably in another 3 to 4 or 5... or maybe 6 chapters... I guess? 😅

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