"River" I said pulling away, "your mom is calling us."

River grunted in annoyance not wanting to go downstairs.

I finally got up from the bed and grabbed his hands and pulled him up to follow me.

As I walked towards the door, River stopped me as he hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder. It was weird being like this with River, but I loved it.

"Do we really have to go?" He whispered in my ear.

"Yes." I responded laughing lightly.

I was flattered that River wanted to stay here with me, just like I wanted to stay with him, but I couldn't risk his moms first impression of me to be her catching us making out on his bed.

He sighed and let go of me and grumpily said, "fine let's go."

I suddenly felt a little cold without his touch, but I waved it off and followed him downstairs

Once we got down, Stacy had already set the table and there were plates of food already out.

She was sat at one side of the table while she set me and Rivers plates right next to each other. She was smiling wildly as she looked at River and I.

I don't know why I was so nervous to be eating with his mom right now. It's not like we're dating or anything so this should just be a friendly dinner.

What are me and River doing right now? I mean, I know we've only kissed twice but I feel like it's different with River. At least for me. This could just be a game to him. I know he's never had a girlfriend and why would I be any different?

Stacy interrupted my thoughts when she said, "So Hailey, how has my son been treating you? I know he can be a little much."

I laughed, unsure of what her question meant

"Ummm.... he's been nice. You know driving me around. But I'm not going to lie, he can get kinda annoying sometimes." I said jokingly

Stacy laughed as River scowled at me. Stacey was quick to come up with another question as she asked, "So, what do your parents do sweetie?"

Just as she asked that River stuck his hand under the table and interlocked it with mine, smirking at me.

I coughed trying not to be distracted by his actions

"Well my dad is-uh- pharmacist and my mom is a teacher at um a small preschool." I rushed out trying to not focus on River who had already inhaled his whole plate of food.

Stacy nodded as she continued to eat.

I had only eaten half of mine and I saw River eying it. A second passed before he reached over with his free hand and took my plate.

I just rolled my eyes, seeing as I'm already used to this everyday at lunch.

"River!" Stacy yelled.

"Give her back her food!" She added.

"No." He said already eating it

"It's okay. He does this everyday I'm used to it." I said reassuring her.

Stacy scoffed and gave River a dirty look which had no effect on him.

"Do you want more food, Hailey? There's more in the kitchen." Stacy asked embarrassed by River.

"No, I'm okay I'm not hungry anymore. Thank you though, it was delicious." I said.

"Oh" she waves me off "it's nothing! you have to come by more often though."

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