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Toya in media

"RA!! RA!!" I rolled my eyes as the RA banged on my door. I paused my music and opened the door. Chanel. Chanel was the RA for my floor and was a pain the ass to say the least.  She gave me the fake ass smile she gives all the residents.

"Hello Toya. Just a routine room check." She stated as she bombarded into my room. I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind her as I watched her scan the room.

"Why isn't your bed made up?" She inquired.

"Uh, cause I'm in it?" She was already working my nerve. She nodded.

"Hmm. Ok I guess. Where is your roommate?"

"I don't know. I don't clock her whereabouts."

"Ok. Well I am going to have to give y'all a failed room check."

"What? The fuck! For what?"

"Her bed isn't made up. It's an eye sore for the room." Just on que, our door opened and in walked my roommate, Aminah.

"What's the problem?" She asked.

"Well I.." I interrupted Chanel's bullshit.

"She was gonna fail us for a room check because your bed isn't made up girl." Her and I both rolled our eyes. Chanel and the other RA's were always on this petty ass shit.

"Girl alright." Aminah stomped to her side of the room. I held in my laugh as she forcefully made up her bed and turned to Chanel with her exact same fake ass smile.

"Done massa" I couldn't hold it in any longer and let out a holler. She was a character.  Chanel returned the fake ass smile.

"Looks so much better. Thank you girls. Stay out of trouble."

"Yea girl get out" I closed the door behind her. We looked at each other and laughed.

"How was class today?" I asked. Aminah was a stem major. She wants to be a Marine Biologist. She always made the dean list and took part in as many clubs as she could. She was definitely the golden child. She sighed.

"Stressful. I have two papers due by Friday. One is thirteen pages and the other is only ten. I have a project and an three events I need to go to this week. I don't know how I'm gonna get it all done." She put her hands in her palms. I shook my head because I don't know how she does it. With her crazy schedule I would have pulled all my hair out by now.

"Aminah you are strong and smart as hell girl. I know you'll figure it out like you always do." She smiled at me.

"Girl hopefully. Maybe once Darrell drop that good dick on me I'll be able to focus."  We both laughed and high fived each other.

"Girl I know that's right. How is he? He haven't stopped by in a long time."

"Girl he's good.  Getting on my nerves as usual. He been busy with practice and stuff.  The coach been getting on him more than usual." I nodded my head.

"But uh Toya.. where's your man at? I know niggas be tryna touch all on that ass you got." We both laughed as I did a little twerk for her.

"Aye aye aye" she hyped me up as I threw my ass in a circle.

"Let me stop, let me stop" I said mocking the girls in the videos. Y'all know them girls that be twerking on snapchat, then be like let me stop, let me stop.

"But no. Girl, I haven't found no one yet. No one for me." I sat down opening a box of cheez itz.

"Well what's your type?" She inquired. I huffed and thought.

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