The decision ...

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It was the first time in a long time that I hadn't been woken up by the sound of the dead walking around or someone screaming so I guess that was a good sign. We had made it outside the city or well I could only presume as id never been this far out before. Things are so different, we can walk through grass fields and for a small moment it feels like everything is okay again, until you spot the dead body concealed in the grass. I sigh and unzip my sleeping bag, I took the floor so Frankie could have the bed, and I had to give him everything I could even if it was only the little things. He has to come first in everything that I do now, he is the centre and if he is okay then I am okay. He spends more time with Wen now though; I'm sort of a lone body. I feel as if I don't fit into the group anymore but I am helping them survive the best I can, almost as if I were to leave then everything would still be the same. Wen tells me not to think like this, I should listen to her more.

I walk over to the door and quietly pull it open so I could step outside to the fresh air, I took a deep breath. The air is definitely different here, more pure? Will today be a good day? Who knows?

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Rose who gave me a hug from behind. "Hey" I whispered, "Hey you" I smiled as she replied. She pulled me over to the bench that was across the garden to sit down next to her. "We need to talk" my heart dropped as the words left her mouth. It's always bad when she needs to talk to me. "What's up?" I looked away from her and into the fields across from us trying not to think about what she was going to say. "I want to leave" I turned slowly to look at her." Alone?" she nodded. I sighed and looked back over to the fields again. "Do you not like being with us?" I asked, then it was her turn to sigh, "I want you all to come with me but you guys don't like to do things the way I do so I just thought it was best if I leave on my own." it made sense, Wen and Frankie just don't want to be on the run anymore and I cant blame them, Alisa does her own thing anyway. I looked her in the eye, "I don't want to leave you again, I did that once and I wont do it again." "Then come with me! Wen can more than look after herself and Frankie the same. Alisa can do whatever she wants," We both laugh. "I can't leave them Rose, they are family now." I stood up and walked away from her "I can't do this, I've only just got you back" I felt a single tear roll down my cheek and quickly wiped it away. I couldn't believe she was suggesting this, to split up ... it made sense though, we could be the perfect team, both of us wont die if we were bitten, no worry about infection. We could do what we wanted. And the stress of not having to look after anyone but ourselves would be such a relief. I stopped; I shouldn't be thinking like this, this is my family I'm thinking about leaving. Why did Rose have to put me in this situation, it should be such a simple decision. Stick together as a family but deep inside I don't want to, this whole situation is fucked up.

I walked inside to get a drink and to collect my thoughts, I grabbed a bottle of water and sat at the table. I noticed Wen appear in the corner of the room, I looked up at her and smiled. She sighed and leaned against the door frame "I heard you and Rose talking outside." My head shot up and I looked at her, I didn't even know what to say. She stepped inside the room, " you are considering it aren't you?" she pulled a chair around and sat next to me. I sighed, "I don't know" it was silent for a while until she grabbed my hand to get my attention, "I would die for Frankie, just know that." She stood up and left the kitchen. 

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