The start of it all (Edited)

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I was going to wait to see if you guys wanted to read more but I think that the first part isn't really full of action ... so here is a bit more

My parents were scientists and they were trying to create the cure for cancer and it went wrong and killed the volunteer test subject. But after about 5 -10 minutes after being pronounced dead the test subject came back to life. But all it wanted to do was eat people; they found that out after sending someone into the testing chamber to check on the ‘dead’ test subject. After trying to treat that person with various medication and treatment to stop the bites he received from bleeding, that person then became the new test subject because they didn’t know what was going to happen to him. But what they weren’t expecting was for that guy to turn into a zombie. The whole building went into lock down after that, nobody in and nobody out.

I haven’t seen my parents since that morning before I went to school. We are taught to be brave and not to feel but it is hard to obey this rule when your parents have been pronounced dead just like everyone else in that building. I don’t think I am meant to know all of this information because it hasn’t been broadcasted across the news, but because my parents work for the government they have a office at home that I happen to know the code to, And that’s how I got all of the information.

Anyway my normal school day consists of seven lessons and I was in my last lesson, in the shooting range. Which was a lucky place for me when the first zombie came bashing through the school gates, starting a chain reaction of people turning into zombies. I was the only one that sort of had a clue of what was happening. It all happened so fast, something just clicked inside my head. I grabbed as many guns as I could carry and rushed upstairs to Rose’s class, she was in martial arts. I had no time to explain to her what was happening; no one had seen or heard what was happening downstairs. I ignored the stares from people and shouted “Rose, we have to go NOW!” As a person from her class rushed to the window and screamed, I gave a few guns to Rose and picked up a sword and some throwing knives and ran out into the hallway with Rose behind me.

well I hope this convinces you guys that you want to read more of my book, please comment and let me know ...

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