Waking up (Edited)

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Melody’s P.O.V

I woke up not having the strength to open my eyes and just listened, I stretched my hearing as far as I could listening to everything around me. I felt something touch my hand and my fingers twitched, I heard Rose sigh, I didn’t know whether in relief or sadness. I tried to move or at least open my eyes but it felt like something was holding me down, so I gave in and let the darkness take me.

I awoke again and tried to move, this time I was more successful and moved my hand to hold my head which throbbed in pain. I realised that there was material encasing my head, and when I pulled my hand away it was wet. I opened my eyes and quickly shut them, even though the room was not bright, there was still a lot of light compared to the darkness in my mind that I have been seeing for who knows how long. I managed to sit up, having to hold my head to try and stop the dizziness from taking over. I looked to my right and saw Rose lying down next to me asleep, I could tell that she hadn’t slept for a while by looking at the bags under her eyes. I also noticed the discolouration of her skin and the colour of her veins snaking their way up her face, I didn’t understand why she hadn’t turned yet. Not that I want her too, it’s just strange.

I looked around at where we were and saw the big hole in the ceiling, I guess that’s where we fell from. I looked away and over at the door, I saw that a lot of things were piled at the door and wondered whether Rose had to deal with some unwanted zombies while I was out. I got up off the floor slowly as I felt my head spinning I held onto the wall for support, this house didn’t look special. I mean no house was prepared for a zombie apocalypse, no one even thought it could happen. You think people would of handled it better though because of all the books and films based on zombie apocalypses out, but everyone seemed to forget everything and just tried to concentrate on staying alive. I don’t blame them, it’s not like when I’m fighting the infected I think about all the films I have watched and copy what they did because they were never in real harm.

I walked slowly over to Rose and shook her awake, she moaned and turned over. She obviously didn’t want to get up, oh well. I pushed her again and this time she opened her eyes, saw me and pulled me down on top of her into a hug. “I thought you were never going to wake up!” she screamed in my ear, only making my raging head ache worse. “You act as if I nearly died!” I said back to her, pulling back from the hug so I could stand up.  She looked at me with a blank expression and led me over to the mirror, oh wow just what I need, I wake up from being knocked out for who knows how long and she wants to show me how ugly I am. I looked in the mirror and saw a girl that looked just like me, I think the only part I recognised was my green and blue eyes and curly blond hair. Other than that my skin stuck to my bones as if I hadn’t eaten for weeks, my skin was so pale and my whole head was covered in bandages. Wow, I looked at Rose and asked “ how long was I out?” she replied with “ two days, I tried waking you up but you didn’t respond.” She looked down “I thought you were a goner.” She started to cry and I hugged her telling her that I would not give up fighting until we were safe.

I was unable to tie my hair up because of the bandages protecting my head from the elements. It kept on getting in the way while I was eating and drinking what we had from our backpacks in hope that it would help me in getting my strength back. I was getting fed up so I walked over to the mirror and called Rose over so she could remove the bandages carefully. “this is going to hurt.” I braced myself as she cleaned the now healing wound on the back of my head. Before Rose had a chance to wrap my head again I stopped her and pulled out my knife and grabbed my hair, pulled it all together and with one swift movement I sliced it off. I kept cutting parts off until it was really short and stuck to my head neatly. I had never cut my hair before but I liked it because this hair cut kind of made me look badass, not that anyone will be paying attention to me but the zombies.

It turned out that once I rinsed my head off with some water the cut on my head didn’t need a bandage, and the water also made me feel refreshed as if I hadn’t been unconscious for the past 48 hours. “Have you searched the house?” I asked Rose while pulling things away from the door that she had piled up. “I went to the kitchen and found loads of food supplies; I don’t think anyone has raided this building. But that’s as far as I got and I came back to look after you.” She smiled and I smiled back because I was very grateful to have a best friend like Rose. “I would have done the same for you.” I said to her which made her relax a little knowing that if anything happened to her she could rely on me to look after her. But we both knew that the next thing that happens to Rose would be her turning, and there would be nothing I could do to stop it or protect her from it.  

sorry i havent updated in a while :) they will be more frequent now.

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