Where is everyone?

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Wen's pov:

I wondered where all the zombies would be, and it turns out that they're at the one place that we need to go. I leant back against the wall and sighed, looking over at Melody I saw her scanning the area, no doubt for a way to get through them. Part of me just wanted to get out of here and find some place safe and live our lives the best we can, but I promised Melody I would do this with her. And if it helps put her mind at ease then I don't mind, she has been through so much and is so young. I know it can't be avoided because of the situation we are in but she is the youngest person I have come across since this all started.

Pushing my thoughts aside I stood up from my position on the floor which I hadn't realised that I'd fallen into. "What's next Melody?" I asked, hoping she had an idea of how we were meant to get inside here. "We could create a distraction..." she trailed off looking around us, searching the ground for anything of use. "What do you suggest? Do you want to use one of us as bait?" I asked, dreading her answer because I knew I could never let her doing which meant me possibly having to sacrifice myself for her. "That could work.." she trailed off looking at the large crowd of dead wondering around. I sighed and pulled my axe from where it lays on my back. "Alright, what's the plan? let's get this over with." We went through the plan and of course she wanted to go but I couldn't let her do that, I have nothing to live for and she does even if her parents aren't alive in there she still deserves to live more than I do. I hope this goes to plan.

Melody's pov:

I watched as Wen ran off and catch the zombies' attention, she turned and gave me a weak smile that I returned just the same. I knew what she was doing, she is sacrificing herself for me but I didn't want her to. I feel bad inside, knowing that something bad could possibly happen to her but I have to suck it up, it's happening now.

I ran as fast as my feet would take me and made my way towards the main doors that would lead to where I would hopefully find my parents alive. Somewhere deep inside of me I knew that what I would find would not be a good thing and I was going to find them dead. I looked at the shutter that was down in front of the doors that I needed to get to in order to get inside. I quickly looked behind me to see if there was anything around me and luckily there wasn't. I placed my weapons on the ground and dug my fingers underneath the shutter in an attempt to pull it up, it budged a little and I placed my gun underneath it. I then stood, stretched and then with all my strength lifted it up high enough to where I could fit in the space between it and the door. With the shutter slamming down to the ground behind me once I let go ,I had a limited amount of room to move so I slammed my whole body against the door to get it to move. With a couple of tries the door finally gave way and fell open, taking me with it.

I was quick to get back on my feet in case anything just heard my rather loud break in. I scanned the room, taking in the sight before me. I guess you could say it used to be a reception area but everything was now everywhere and covered in who knows what. I lifted my hand to cover my face as the horrible stench hit me at full force.

I took my backpack off and reached inside for my scarf that lay inside and tied it around my face, allowing me to breathe normally. I stood and continued down the hall to where it led because honestly I had no clue where I was meant to be looking. The whole place was silent and the only sound that could be heard was my foot steps and I quickly walked down the hall. As creepy as it was I was starting to worry about where everybody was. Every door that I approached was locked shut but I didn't bother to go inside them because in the small window that lay next to the door showed nothing inside, in fact the rooms where clean.

The feeling of dread kept rising inside me as I reached the end of the corridor and still no sight of any dead or undead. I looked up at the signs that were on the ceiling and read that the labs were upstairs and figured that going up there would be my best shot at finding my parents. I wondered up the stairs slowly, trying to listen for any sign of anything or anyone here. But once again all I heard was silence.

I reached the top of the stairs and stopped, peaking out of the small window that lay in the door, at another corridor that was in front of me. Finally there was at least something here to show that people had in fact once been here, but as to whether that was a good thing or not I had yet to decide. I slowly pushed open the heavy door and made my way into the corridor that was covered in bloody handprints and footprints. Listening to the sound of nothing and looking around I concluded that this floor was probably going to be empty too. I bent down and inspected the pool of blood that was formed on the floor which something had most definitely been dragged away from; I saw that the mark led always down and round the corner to my left. That is most definitely not the way in which I want to go, so I stood and walked forward to the nearest door that I saw. Looking through all the windows and finding nothing, I was starting to get annoyed. But before I could carry on that thought I saw something move in the corner of my eye. I spun to face whatever was there and found nothing.

I shook my head thinking it was nothing but still held my gun high in case I would have to use it, when suddenly I saw them. A guy, at the end of the corridor looking just as shocked as I was. I couldn't muster up any words to shout before he quickly made his way running round the corner away from me. I quickly followed after, eager to see who this guy was. But as I turned the corner I got a glimpse of his face before everything went black.

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