Unexpected company (Edited)

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Eventually Rose and I had moved everything that she piled up at the door over back into the corner of the room; I walked over to where I had been laying for the past 48 hours and grabbed my backpack. I walked back to the door and looked at Rose, she smiled, I took that as if she was ready so I opened the door and continued to walk out. I walked down the long hallway to the end which looked like a kitchen; I walked straight in and started pulling things out of the cupboards and filling my backpack. Wow, we are going to have enough food to live on for 2 weeks. My heart skipped a beat as I realised that as long as we stay out of harm's way, we can do this. Well, I can do this. I pushed them thoughts to the back of my head as I stood up and watched Rose collect the rest of the stuff into her backpack. It suddenly popped into my head that we need rope to get over to the other side of the street because there is no way I am going through the streets. I let out a sigh and looked at the ground as all hope drained from my body just as quickly as it came a moment ago. Rose must have noticed my change in mood because she came over to me and hugged me, I took a deep breath and smiled at her. There is no time for feelings, we have to carry on with life until we die, there is nothing else we can do and I am certainly not giving in without a fight!

Rose said that she didn't check upstairs, so I pulled my knife out of my back pocket and carefully walked upstairs. I'm glad no one could hear how fast my heart was beating because it would show too much about me that I didn't want anyone to know. As I got to the top of the stairs I noticed that one of the doors was open, I looked in and saw that it lead to the room that we fell through. So there is nothing in there, I moved onto the next door and noticed a pink sign hanging on the door. I looked at it closely as saw that it said Amelia on it. I put my head on the door and listened carefully, I couldn't hear anything. I grabbed the door handle and twisted it slowly, and pushed it open. What hit me first was the awful smell lingering in the air, at the same time I walked in the room, I held my knife in front of me and took in the room, over in the corner there was a cot. I walked over to it and nearly fainted, there right in front of me was a dead baby, Amelia. It looked like a new born and most definitely had the worst death you could imagine, it looked as if it had been strangled and stabbed many times. I walked away from it as tears started pouring from my eyes, how could anyone do this to such a helpless baby. I wanted to get out of this room! Out of this house! But just as I was about to walk out of the room, rose was opening the cupboard. She screamed and fell backwards onto the floor as a load of flies and insects rushed out and around the room and the disgusting smell got worse. I didn't even need to look in the cupboard to know that there was a dead body in there. I walked over to Rose and helped her up, just as she looked at me and ran out of the room, puking outside the door. I don't have a strong stomach either so I don't know how I am standing here but without thinking I went over to the cupboard and looked inside, inside there hung a once beautiful woman. Looking at the colour of her skin, it looked like she had been dead for over a week. So whatever happened was done before the apocalypse. I could see from the resemblance that she was the baby's mother; she was the evil one who doomed this child to its death! I felt the anger inside me build up as I looked at this woman, even though she was dead, she didn't look at peace. Which lead me to believe that it might not have been her who killed this child. I knew what I had to do and it was a terrible and disgusting idea, I walked forward and held my breath and untied the rope from around her neck, her body fell to the floor with a thump as I grabbed the rope and turned around and ran out of the room closing it with a bang. I didn't want to see anything like that again! Rose came walking towards me with a confused face until she saw the rope in my hands. I half smiled and walked back down stairs, we had what we need to get back on track and I didn't want to stay here any longer.

I walked back into the living room and looked up into the huge hole that was in the ceiling, I looked around the room and there wasn't anything to help us get back up through the hole. I knew what had to be done so I walked upstairs with rose following and walked into the room that had the hole in the floor and ceiling; I turned and found Rose looking around. "Give me a boost rose?" I asked, noticing that there was no other way to get back onto the roof. She nodded and bent down, I placed my foot into her hands as she lifted me as I high as she could. I grabbed onto the edge, ignoring the pain it caused as it cut into my hands and pulled myself up and back onto the roof. I laid on my front a leaned over the edge and looked down at Rose and smiled. "Your turn." She bent down and jumped, grabbing my hand and I pulled her up, we both sat on the roof for a second. I stood up and looked over across the street; if I turned the end of the rope into a loop then I could throw it over and hook it onto the chimney then tie it to this houses chimney and we could crawl across.

I made a loop and chucked it over as far as I could, of course knowing my luck it didn't land where I wanted it to but after a few more tries it did. I tied it to this houses chimney as tight as I could, hopefully it would take both of our weight. I looked at Rose and told her to go first, she was the lightest, I presumed. She grabbed on and hung upside down moving her hands and feet as fast as she could to try and get across; before I knew it it was my turn. I was just glad that Rose made it alright; I didn't want any more unwanted events. I was about half way and filled with happiness that I was making it across without anything happening as I saw a hatch for that roof being bashed really hard. My heart skipped a beat as I hurried across the rope, I left it there and went over to Rose, handed her the shotgun and pulled out my machete. Rose and I moved to the furthest corner of the roof trying to prepare ourselves from what was going to come next because there was no escape. They burst through the hatch pushing against each other to be the first ones at us, before I let them continue running any further I ran towards them and started hacking away at 3 different zombies, I heard the booming of the shotgun as Rose fired at the ones still running. Shit! We were surrounded.

i hoped you liked it :) in the next part Rose and Melody will meet some strangers ....

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