Mum ?!

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Something wet hit my check and I awoke with a start. I jumped awake and bashed my head on the top of something. The pain in my head was like no other I had ever felt, but I continued to look around at where I was. It looked like I was placed in the corner of a room with a sink above me? Why would I... Oh wait, I remembered what happened before I woke here and rushed to grab my knife but it was not in my boot like where I always kept it. I sighed noticing that my hands were bound together by rope so I searched myself and all around for anything I could use against this mysterious person that knocked me out until I heard a door open. And I froze.

I held my breath as I listened to the door close and footsteps walk up to where I was lying on the floor. I look up to see a boy around my age, with almost sickly pale skin, blue eyes and curly blonde shoulder length hair just like mine used to be. "Who are you?" he shouts, pointing a knife at me. I back into the corner holding my hands in the air, "My name is Melody, I just want to find my parents." I sigh and think about how they could be in this building here with me while I deal with this boy. Anything could be happening right now but I'm stuck here. "Your parents? Why would they be here?" He asks, not letting the threat of the knife drop. I sighed; "they worked here, you know before everything happened. I just want to see if I can find them, then I'll be on my way." I say trying to convince him to let me go. "So you're not going to kill me?" he asks. "No." I simply answer, standing slowly as he backs away, lowering the knife. "Can I have my weapons back? Because if you haven't noticed there is a zombie apocalypse outside that door!" I start to raise my voice towards the end, trying to get my point across to him.

He points towards the opposite corner of the room where all my weapons lay, but before i can walk over there he comes over to me and cuts the rope from my hands. I smile and walk slowly over to them, gathering them and putting them away back where they belong. I turn and face him, "Can I have my knife back?" I ask, holding my hand out for him to give it back. He walks towards me slowly and flips the knife and places the handle in my hand. "The names Frank." He says while holding out his other hand for me to shake, but I just pull him into a hug. "We have to stick together now, it's best if you want to stay alive. If you want that is." I say hoping he will come with me. He nods, but looks unsure as to whether he should or not. "Do you have any weapons?" I ask hoping that somewhere along the way of his journey he's picked some up. "No I don't have anything." What? How could he not. "I woke up here, yesterday morning. And I can't remember anything but my name."

I sigh and give him one of my machetes, "Take this, stay behind me and we'll be fine. Okay?", "Okay." He nodded and followed me to the door. I pressed my ear to the door to see if I could hear anything, but heard nothing. I slowly pulled the door open towards me and stuck my head out, I stepped out into the hallway after seeing nothing.

Thinking back I remembered that my parent's lab would probably be on the top floor, so I quietly walked towards the stairs, listening for anything moving other than us. I slowly walked up the stairs to the top floor, trying not to catch the attention of any zombies in the corridors we were passing. And finally we made it to the top floor, I looked behind me to make sure frank was still there and carried on through the door. I picked the first lab room and decided to investigate. I slowly pushed open the door and was not prepared for what was in there.

I sucked in a sharp breath of air as I looked at the scene in front of me. A tear fell from my eye as I saw my father lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood, dead. I started to breath heavily as my eyes drifted across the room to my mother slumped in a chair, crying. My mother was alive! "Mum!" me and Frank shouted at the same time but before I could move he was running towards her and embraced her in a hug as she cried repeating Frankie's name over and over.

"Mum?!" I screamed.

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