Is anyone in here? (Edited)

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I reloaded my hand gun in case I would have to use it and pushed the bathroom door open slowly. Walking in with my gun pointed straight ahead to get anything within arm distance of me, I noticed that the stall at the end hand a massive amount of blood over it. Oh no, something must be in there. Making sure to be quite I crouched down on the floor and looked under the 3 stalls, there was no feet so there must be no one in there. Hopefully I was right. Just to be safe I'm going to check all of the stalls. I had this feeling that it was going to be like in the horror movies, where I knock open the last stall and a zombie is going to jump out and bite me. As I was thinking this I heard a sniffle, like someone was crying "Is anyone in here?" I asked while thinking that it was silly because I didn't see anyone's feet when I looked under the stalls but I still asked. It stopped and went silent; I turned around and called to Rose. "I think someone is in here" I said just loud enough for her to hear, "want me to come in?" Rose asked me, I didn't want her to get hurt. "No I will check it out, if something goes wrong..." I couldn't finish my sentence, I don't know why because I was prepared. Oh well let's do this, knowing me I am worrying about nothing.

I walked slowly towards the last stall, pulling out my knife so I had a backup plan if I didn't shoot and stood in front of the door. "If there is anyone in there, you better come out now or I'm going to blow your brains to pieces." That was bit extreme but I wanted to let them know that I meant business; this was no time to be mucking around. There was no reply, either the person in there was too scared or it wasn't a person. I took a second to think; shall I just burst the door down or slowly open it? My stomach grumbled reminding me that I wanted to get this over and done with so I could eat. I stepped back, held my gun high aiming for the persons head with my knife in the same hand I kicked the door with a lot of force since it was locked. There was no one there; I looked at the mess in the toilets. There was blood everywhere; it looked like whoever was in here seemed to have been pretty injured to the extent that they were puking up blood. I didn't know what sort of blood it was so I just decided to let it be and turned around, just to be faced with a growling zombie trying to chew my face off. I quickly bring up my arm to protect my face from its mouth and sliced its throat with the knife in my hand at the same time Rose shot it in the head.

I think I killed it but I was thankful for Rose shooting it as well, "Help me pick it up and put it in that cupboard over there." I said to Rose pointing at a cupboard in the far right corner of the bathrooms that usually hold towels for the shower. I bent down and picked up the top half of its body while Rose stood there with eyes wide as if she was going to be sick. I didn't care about how she felt about this situation, I just wanted to rest. "For god's sake Rose, just bloody suck it up for a minute will you!" I shouted as I tried to drag the body myself waiting for Rose to respond. I didn't want to be so mean but she wasn't the one that was just attacked by a zombie! Finally she responded and picked up the feet of the zombie, I counted to three before we swung it into the cupboard. Before I shut the door I looked at the zombies face and realised it was Ethan, Ethan was Rose's best friend I always thought they had something else between them than friendship. Maybe that's why she looked so sick or maybe she just generally didn't like the situation we were in, anyways I don't really feel like talking about the dead or infected so I didn't say anything about him to her.

"Why don't you get cleaned up melody and I will look for some food." Rose suggested to me, I don't think she wanted to stay here for much longer which makes me think that she did realise it was Ethan even more." Okay, if you want. Will you be alright out there alone?" I asked knowing that I carried most of the weapons I handed her the shotgun as she said "yeah, sorry melody but you really smell." Rude! But I agreed with that because I was starting to smell rotting flesh coming off of me, it smelt awful, like I was one of them. As Rose walked out of the bathroom door I decided that I wasn't going to have a shower because I had nothing clean to change into, so I focused on getting off whatever I could using some tissue and water from the taps. I looked into the mirror and examined my long blond curls that had fallen out of a ponytail when the zombie tackled me to the ground. I needed to get that back up and out of my face, so I ripped a bit of material off my T-shirt and used it as a make do hair tie. After I did that I got work on my face washing off all the muck around my eyes revealing one green and one blue eye, I was always teased about my eyes because people thought It was weird but I thought they made me unique. Going down my face I cleaned my nose and cheeks then moved down to my chin and neck.

I was getting to my arms when I noticed a lot of blood coming from my arm, shit! Please don't be a bite please! I wiped it with the tissue and it revealed a slash mark where I must have cut it when I jumped the roofs. Oh god, great! I breathed a sigh of relief and tore off more of my T-shit and wrapped it around my wrist to cover the cut and stop it from bleeding, just as Rose came in. " I found some food!" rose shouted with a smile on her face. "Great" I said as I walked out of the bathrooms with Rose following and sat on one of the tables. "What you got then?" I said as she handed me a can, really? It's as if the apocalypse has been going on for ages and there is no food anywhere. "There was nothing in the kitchens but these, maybe someone already raided here and we were too late to get anything better. "She sighed and opened a can of coke and took a big mouthful and then passed it to me. I took some then gave it back, emptying what wasn't needed out of my school bag and replacing it with the last of the cans.

the next part is going to have some of Rose's point of view so I hope you guys are looking forward to that....

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