The After Math

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I felt the hard wet ground on my back as I slowly began to come around. I heard the background noise of wave like waterfalls crashing down. I felt water drip on my face. I opened my eyes, flinching away from the cool light coming through. When my eyes began two adjust I sat up and looked down to see leaves underneath me. I looked down at myself, I was only in my bra and underwear and I was wrapped up in bandages. I began to lift myself up, to figure out where I was. Once I was on my feet I walked towards the light source, only to find myself blocked by water. Water was blocking the exit of the cave.

"It is good to see you up, your highness"

I quickly turn towards the voice, I am met with a man with shining sea blue eyes and light skin. He was very handsome but that is not my focus. I stare at him for a bit, I was confused by who he was and why I was here.

"Please lay down, it would be better for you.... please"

I stay where I am and just look at him.

"Where am I? Who are you?"

"I will tell you everything just please lay down, princess. You are still recovering"

I nod and slowly walk back to where I woke up. I sit cross legged on the pile of leaves. He sits a good distance from me.

"Don't call me 'your highness' or 'princess' I'm just Toby"

He nods

"Of course, your h- Toby"

"So... where am I?"

"You are underneath the Haven sea, your brother brought you here 27 moons ago-"

"27 moons?"

"Yes, 27 moons 26 suns."

27 moons?...... A month. I've been here for a month, sleeping.... fuck.

"Wait brother?"

"Yes your brother, Clayton. Prince of Sirenia"

Clayton? How'd did he know where I was?

"Then what?"

"Well he brought you here and told me to tend to your wounds and keep you safe. All of Sirenia has been in... deep shit. Nevolor demons have taken over the castle and we are all in hiding they haven't done much though because they need you, they have just been keeping the castle under lock down. No one knows where you are except Clayton and I."

"I need to fight. This needs to end."

"And it will but you need to recover first"

Sirenia has gone shit to hell, Oscars dead, Sad eyes is dead, my mom is dead, my dad is dead, they are all gone, it's just me. Nevolor won't know what hit them until it has.

The Savior is coming for her Revenge.

Revenge (Book 2 of Infinity)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя