Today At Six

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It was currently the day after yesterday , it was now today at four if I'm being exact. I was trying to figure out what was to be done with my hair , this part was always so upsetting. I decided a slicked back ponytail would be just fine.

I sat before the mirror getting my hair done . Flat ironed and now gelled  down.  I was now trying to decide whether or not i should leave it out or put it in a bun. A bun it was. I then decorated the bun with little cute gold flowers ornaments, layed my edged and i was done .

It was now 5:30. It was now make up time . I wasn't  one for makeup so my make up was light. I did my lashes and the necessities. Makeup really did wonders. I was always a fan of highlights.  I looked at the time to see it was now 6:21.

Now the biggest decision of the day. The black or the red dress? I took me approximately sixteen minutes to decide which to wear . The  black it was.
I then topped it off with some red lipstick and a heels and i was done .

With five minutes left i was now figuring out which purse to take . I wanted something big enough to bring flats in but at the time something elegant. I was fucked . Heels it was for the whole night. 


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I walked down the stairs to see Angelo waiting at the door looking a bit upset

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I walked down the stairs to see Angelo waiting at the door looking a bit upset . He looked nice, good. He looked real good. I walked down the stairs with my heels in my hand, i wasn't about to trip and die down these stairs.

"I'm ready" i smiled. He just looked, more like stared i was getting a bit uncomfortable now. Did i not look proper?

"You look beautiful" whhooo .

"Thank you." My smile was so bright.

I was walking out the house towards the car when i heard him cough awkwardly. 

"Your shoes are still in your hand "

"I know" i got into the car.

" arent you going to put them on?"



" when were there" i rested my heels beside me as i sat.  The side of his lips went upwards while he shaked his head.

"Are we there yet?" I asked for the twentieth time.

"No miyomi we are not." He was annoyed 

"When then?"

" next year miyomi. Now please close your mouth." The car stopped.

"We there?" He didn't answer he just got out the car.

I was fumbling to put my heels on . I hated these things.

"Aye yo angelo" i semi yelled whispered.

" hmm?"

" i cant walk in these things, walk beside me , incase anything were to happen. " he chuckled.  I was not the least bit embarssed . I'm sure i was not the only female who couldn't walk in these .

" they have tutorials on youtube how to walk in them. They have thousands of subscribers and likes. I'm not the only one who can't walk in these."

" well you the only one here. " my pride got the best of me and let go of him and tried putting my right foot first.  My feet wobbled. I held onto his jacket and smiled.

" ok maybe not today, a next time though." We walked together.  I was filled with aww when i stepped foot inside. It was beautiful .

"Stop" angelo said. He handed me a mask. Ohh it was a masquerade party.
I slipped the fabric over my face and stepped forward ,i felt indestructible. Now if i were to fall, no one would know it was me. I smiled at the thought.

" good evening Mr. Del'Fernado , the others are inside awaiting your presence. I felt so uncomfortable as the door opened and all eyes turned to us. He wasn't lying when he said everyone was awaiting his presence. Literally. My head hang low.

There was only two seats unoccupied at the table, figured their were ours so i slowly made my way towards the table. Slowly , i counted every step. Right foot  number one , left foot number two. I was not about to disgrace myself.

The place quite down as Angelo took his rightful seat beside me, how corny.

"  che la cena abbia inizio (may the dinner begin)." He said.  With that food and  waiters, I'm guessing they were waiters they didnt dress like it though, but anyways food was now being set on the table. 

I hadn't notice De'Angelo's presence until the sound of an utensil being knocked against a glass. He stood up , right beside me may i add. How did i not notice him,oh yes masquerade.

" Al re !( To the king ! ) "  was all he said and everyone went up in cheers. Well then.

Dinner was quite awkward for me. Angelo scowled and  patted me on my leg everytime i got tired of using the knife and decided to eat with just the fork.  I hated all this fancy shit. The lilttle shit kicked me on my big toe when i turned the wine glassto my head and started gulping everything down. I asked for juice , not wine . I liked drinking and eating at the same time, however angelo disagreed so by time my food was finished i was damn well thirsty.  Felt as if I'd been through a drought.

His brother on the other hand talked nonstop , he even flirted. I would've done the same but i felt so god damn uncomfortable especially  in these abominations that are called heels.

So as soon as i got the chance to exit myself from around the table,  i found myself some space,  away from all of that.

" what are you doingin here"  I hissed my teeth

"Getting some space." I said not bothering  to turn around.

" you know he dosen't  want you right?" She said.

" figured, thats why I'm here with him and not you." I shaked my head.

She chuckled." He'll  get use to you." Her footsteps were now retreating.

"Yup I'm  his stepdaughter." I turned around, but she had already left.

Well that was fun . I threw my heels on and started searching for Angelo  through the thick crowd. I was dead on about to scream his name when someone pat me on the shoulder.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"Talking to yo girlfriend,  i wanna go home. "


"Take me home, i dont like it here. "

I was walking away when a broad figure stepped into my way.

"Move." I thought it was angelo.

" so this is your date ehh Angelo?." I looked up. So not angelo, not angelo at all.

" No I'm his stepdaughter." I brushed pass him.

"lei sarà mia( she will be mine)" i heard him say. Angelo dismissed him with a quick ' ( lei è mia ( she is mine Santos)' and headed back to the car with me.

" i wanna get home now. Drive quickly"  i was oddly really upset.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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