The Question Is???

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I was tip toeing backwards when my fat ass decided it felt like sprawling out on the floor ... so typical.

I just smiled. All eyes were turned my direction." Hiii uhhmm dont let me err bother you , I'll just go back in my little uhmm yeah errmm bye" i literally crawled back into my room . I couldn't have embarrassed my self anymore.

The harsh sounds of my stomach cursing at me to get it fed was my cue to get back outside and not once , not twice to make a fool of myself.  I turned the door knob slightly trying to open the door as slowly as  possible but like always they always make that unnecessary freaking irrelevant squeaking annoying sound.

"Miyomi do you need something?" He said through clenched teeth. I stared at my stomach hoping it'll just growl so i wouldn't have to answer him. And like i thought , it didn't.  "Uhmm I'd like something to eat, ermm if that's ok?" I hung my head in shame . I felt like a stray pup begging for food.

"Do you not know where the kitchen is ?"

" do you gotta be an ass all the time?" I mumbled, not once looking up meanwhile pet talking myself to go down each stair which lead me pass those men and towards the kitchen. Do you know how hard it was trying to walk pass all those men unnoticed . I literally tried not to put all my body weight down on the wooden floor so i wouldn't creek . This was torture . I was freaking tip toeing to get food in my own house!! The disrespect.

I actually wanted to make something but not wanting to extend my stay downstairs more than i already have , i grabbed a jar of nutella some bread grape jam and some peanut butter. The perfect sandwich. I then grabbed a bottle of water and took my unwated ass up the stairs and into my room.

I was so focused on getting my stomach fed i completely overlooked the fact that , not only were those men really built but so were there guns. What the hell did Angelo get himself into? the more pressing question is , what the hell is Angelo into?

Angelo POV

That little girl could've ruin a very important deal for me because of what? She was hungry !! Why is she always so damn clumsy?! So really what was i going on about ?

I'd  sealed the deal the previous month ago , she could've thrown herself overthe stair case and it wouldn't have changed anything, god so forbid that.  So the question is , what was this about and why am i so upset ?

"Ok gentlemen , lascia che il lavoro abbia inizio ( let the work begin)" i said finishing up the meeting.

"Sì" they replied nodding their heads while heading out.

I oddly felt the need to talk to her. I was about to when my wife decided to let her presence be known.


" oh Angelo something terrible has happened " she exclaimed.

" what is it ?" She ran up the stair and instantly started  to pack.

" I've got to go back home." She not once looked up.

"With my son , you may keep her"

" why? if you dont mind me asking "

"I errmm got some errands , yes , some errands to attend to."

" so your getting on a flight from Italy to go to new york , for errands? " this lady got to be joking.

" yes" ok.

" well enjoy" i scoffed. I was annoyed with her childish immature behaviour .

She then walked to Miyomi's room.


"Your leaving?" I asked. She nodded
Her head up and down.

" why?"

" I'll be gone" she paused.

" for some time . Your old enough to look after yourself ehh?"

" when have i not been old enough?"

" excellent" she said in a somewhat sing song voice.

"Is James going?"

"Of course !" That was a stupid question to ask.

"Then why can't i ?" 

"Bye" she walked away .
I know my mother. And when she's going away the question isn't where?
The question is how long ?

Once agin i was left alone with him.
Fuck my life .

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