Something New

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Miyomi POV

Maybe I was overreacting ....because of that little scene that took place would make  a week since I was avoiding my mother and step dad , I couldn't give a flying fuck about my brother, as bad as that sounds ..
.it was the truth.

I took a sharp turn back into my room when I saw my brother and mom walking  my direction once again dressed the fuck up , never mind I'm not overreacting . everything that is happening to them is totally necessary , like one hundred percent necessary. There footsteps passed my door and most likely down the stairs and out the fucking door ...hopefully Angelo went with them .

I was stepping out the room when I felt my body being thrown against the wall
...I wanted to scream...well the girly part of me wanted to scream ...the other part  ....the gangsta part of me ....instead automatically ...well unfortunately screamed .... Like a girl one of those dumb blondes who died first in a horror movie ...yeah of those scream ... Even the girly part of me was embarrassed.

Luckily for me it was Angelo ." what the fuck dude " I pushed him away ...well I attempted to .

"could you excuse your unwanted presence " he wouldn't budge .

"dude !" I shouted

" shout one more fucking time and you won't like it " he just passed his place .

"listen up mother fucker, you aren't my dad and never will be, so know your fucking place and stop acting like one ." I once again tried to move . I felt my body being thrown over his shoulder mouth once again opened up ..letting out yet another embarrassing scream , that wasn't from my girly legs kicked all over and my hands curled up in a fist hitting his lower back repeatedly. My body was thrown into the air  my back  landed on the bed with a loud umph sound . "stop fucking throwing me around ." the fuck I look like to him. I hope he wasn't throwing my poor mom about the place like this ...her heart would eventually fail her .....then again he was doing way more than throwing her around ....he was doing so much more ,yet still her heart ...her poor fragile heart was still beating was her know...down there .

His hands gripped my ankles roughly and pulled me to the bottom of the bed where he stood with a firm look on his face. He was passed being  pissed. My feet now touched the floor ....he flipped me over. This whole situation was taking a turn for the worst . I was somewhat bent over ..Never mind , fuck that
, I was bent the fuck over. What the fuck was going on ? I was clueless .... I wanted to move but his hand now sank into my lower back , which may I add was plain weird. I felt my shorts being pulled down . I was about to scream but his hand pushed my face into the bed making my scream muffled. I thought this situation was taking a turn for the worse before was now going haywire. 

I could feel his hand being  raised into the air ....I dreaded the moment it would come crashing down ... I always hated landing. My  body wiggled, muffled words and screams came from my lips hands tried pushing at his chest and stomach. His hand collided with the soft skin of my panty covered ass.... I screamed , it hurts more than I expected. My ass was most likely fuming red with a large gorilla hand print , I prayed I'd be able to sit after this .

After the next slap my ass felt numb. I didn't know how much more slaps were left ,but each slap felt like a hundred. His hands were so strong. The fact that I no longer felt one side of my ass cheek says a lot. It was either dead ....numb to the pain .... Dead or dead again.  My eyes were filled with tears. My mouth was wide open gasping for breath after all the screaming. I counted eight  slaps , felt like eight hundred though or eight thousand ,eight million maybe. I thought spanking was more pleasure than pain, bwoy was I wrong ....

"The next time I won't be using my hand ... Know your fucking place little girl " well fuck...

That was something new ..

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