Shit Happens

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Miyomi POV

Miyomi stepdad above

I tried, I really did , but things just weren't the same. It's been two weeks since that 'daddy daughter issue' but things just weren't the same . I truly did try, I didn't avoid him or anything , sometimes I did walk pass him like he wasn't there .....but I started holding in my breath . I stuttered whenever we spoke , I trembled when we touch , and it was so awkward when we made eye contact. That day just kept on replaying over and over in my head , and unfortunately it did unwanted things to my body. Unwanted but really pleasurable things to my body was on a whole different level of wrong .

I currently sat left to him at the kitchen table, my legs moved back and forth. Today was so not the day for him to be upset with ma...and James wouldn't let me switch seats with him. I was uncomfortable and nervous .

His hand grabbed the exposed part of my leg. I couldn't move, my body went still.

"Stop shaking it's annoying " normally I would have had an insane comeback , but today wasn't one of those days , after him saying that , I even chewed my food slowly, hardly blinked , and try not to make a sound when I swallowed. What the fuck was happening?!?!

I was now left alone at the table with my plate half full and the empty dishes usual. I now felt comfortable . I ate like a pig. My heart leaped the fuck out of my mouth when I heard laughing ....his laughing. I didn't turn around . I held my head straight.

" your that nervous around me ?" He asked. I wasn't nervous ... I just didn't know how to react .

"Your not gonna answer ?" I didn't dare move.

" bet you'll answer now " I turned around instantly .

"That's progress I guess" I just stared .

" you act different now... You don't talk no more....dick stuck down your throat?" He whispered the last part ...I smiled.

"You sound funny too... Still Gurgling on ma's pussy juice?" I had to answer .

" what you don't like swallowing ?" I laughed ...I was finally back to my normal self .

" my miyomi back ehh?"he laughed. He pulled me into a hug. My hands hung at my side awkwardly.

" sorry about you know ..
Something happened and then you pissed me off and then you know shit happens " he just had to bring old shit up.

" trouble in paradise ?"

"Something like that ... more like hell thou." Was ma that bad? He saw the look on my face and started shaking his head.

"Ohh noo , I'm not talking about your mother " then who the fuck was he talking about. He was only making the situation worse . I raised my eyebrow .

" hopefully you'll never know" so he was cheating? I'm confused. Maybe he though it was too much to process for my small brain .

" my brain isn't small you dipshit !!" I was actually the smartest out of ma and James.

I know I exaggerate sometime, ma isn't actually dumb, she just doesn't think stuff through ,she acts at the moment and that's not exactly a bad thing but certain things you gotta thing through first you know , if my mom was dumb how did she end up marrying a man like Angelo , let's forget about the part where she shows more interest than she should , if you get what I'm saying.

James on the other hand was quite smart. I just envied him because ma obviously prefers him more or love him more , even though he is my brother. I actually love him. The thing i hated about him is the fact that he is a womanizer, and he uses it in the worst ways possible. He be taking females for clowns, he be taking them for a joke. I actually missed the days we use to play police and thief. He was the thief and I was the police who always tried catching him. I guess people and time change.

I on the other hand was both. I used males, not very often , but it has certain advantages. I sometimes didn't think things through .....but I was never ma ...she is way different. I didn't finish up college though because shit happened with ma and I ended up dropping out and started paying bills and shit.
I'm not trying to be ungrateful but sometimes I think if it was worth it. Anyways enough about that.

I washed the dishes and walked to my room. Ma walked passed me dressed up. She was so aggregating. I hissed my teeth. She has been going out a lot lately. I figured something was up , but I just didn't question it, Angelo should though because sooner or later.... Well shit will happen.

I slammed the door and threw myself on the bed. My eyes soon closed and i drifted off into wonder world.


My hands tangled into his hair ...gripping the strands and tugging it from its skull. Soft moans escaped my lips. He pace speed up did my moans. My breathing got harsh , my back arched off the bed , I was so close. His tongue was doing unnatural and dangerous things to my quivering body.

"Angelo!!" I screamed climaxing.

What the fuck just happen . I flew up from the bed .

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