That Aint No Papi

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Niomi pov

Pic of miyomi's stepdaddy which btw is nick bateman

" lady are you stupid? " wtaf! My mom was cougar. That man cant be a day over 25 and my moms old... 45.
" can i ask you a question and you answer truthfully.?" continuing not waiting for his answer i ask " how old are you?" this is just..... I don't even know how to explain." you cant be a day over 25 and mommy is old " i rambled" 28 so... " could this man be any sexier with his dark brown almost black hair tall statue about 6'5 and a perfect build, dark green eyes, he was ripped but not too much just the right type and certainty and not least his thick Italian accent. I gotta say stepdaddy was hot.

" well go pack were leaving " mom said in a sing song voice." wait up, what the hell you say? " i was pass furious now." thats no way to talk to your mother " stepdaddy said." was anyone speaking, talking or spoke to you. When a and b talking c yourself out.. Ok" there was no way i was gonna leave my home town for some man. New york is my everything.

"listen here cagna ( bitch). I am older than you speak to me with respect. " what he just say." listen and listen good step.... Daddy. Your in my house so you listen and speak to me with respect. When were at your place not that i am coming you can set the rules now shut up. " i think i should shut up now cause by the look on his face I'd be 1000ft under. Yes 1000.

" honey please go and pack i am not leaving my only girl child here " my mother begged ,I am going to kill that lady. Shes gonna make the puppy eyes face and make her lips quiver while she fake cry.
' mom I'll come could you plz not make that face it scares the shit outta me." mom laughed while i chuckled and hugged her. I cant hate my mom for too long. Its like committing a crime.

3 hours later.

So here i am on a private jet on my way to god knows where. I gotta say though this man seems rich, but i still dislike him. I've noticed something off about him. Whenever he passed people they seemed to i dont now but fear was written all over there face. " its best if you go sleep its gonna be a long trip." stepdaddy said. " no one ask you and you dont tell me what to do you prick. " i mumbled once he moved away. " heard that you need to stop being a micio an say to my face." he chuckled walking away. Wtf is that suppose to mean. Thank man for google translator.

Typing micio in Google Translator i was now furious. The son of a bitch called me a pussy. Stomping my way to what seemed like a office i was going to tell this man a piece of my mind. " listen ragazinna( little girl) its been a long day dealing with your shit and i swear to god if you say one more word out of that mouth of yours your not going to like it." stepdaddy was angry. Nice second impression.

" so i was wondering " i spoke as if i was speaking to somebody I liked." who you were calling a bitch, cause i am pretty sure i dont walk on four feet. " i so wanna see his reaction." you sure do act like it your always barking down my ears.... " thats prabaly not good since he said it in italian." would you please stop being a micio and man up say it in english and stop acting like a lil cagna" i so wanted to laugh his face was priceless. Maybe i shouldn't have said that cause- " listen ragazzina..... The only reason I'm putting up with your shit is because your the worthless no good daughter of my soon to be wife... Otherwise I'd already hit you down a few notches to your level, inside the fucking ground.  Now get the fuck out my office,  if you hate being here so much you shouldn't have come,  all u do is damn complain. " damn that hit hard....  It felt tears threaten to spill... So I walked out is office and into my room.

The only reason I'm here is because James couldn't give a  flying fuck about what mom wants to do, and she does stupid things sometimes... Like that thing I have to call my stepfather. 

I fucking hate him

So sorry I took like two years to update this story... I couldn't log into this account... I finally did.... After trying for two years straight.. Lol... So sorry again.... Comment.. Follow and like please

My Mafia Stepdaddyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن