Chapter 17 : Relieving the pain

Start from the beginning

My mum scrutinises Klaus closely for a few more minutes before she gives him some kind of assent and he turns to me with a small grin.

I hand him one of the blood bags from My fridge that I had forgotten I was holding in my shocked daze; and he takes it ripping a small hole with his teeth before swapping it for my unopened blood bag and coming to rest beside me.

I immediately lean into him and sip from the small incision he had made, I look at my mum who looks as if she might stroke her eyes are popping out of her head.

"You guys looks awfully comfortable together." she says suspiciously.

I blush which intrigues Klaus who catches the colour and gives me a wink; and by gosh if that isn't the hottest thing to happen to me today. I mentally fan myself and give my mum a sheepish look.

"We get on really well." I say simply the only thing I can come up with.

"Hmm I'll bet." My mum says her eyes moving between us "You guys be safe I'm working the night shift; After I sleep at my house call me to make sure everything is alright." she says moving to collect her things, shooting me an amused glare when she finds her gun belt.

She's just heading out the door when she calls out a quick "No sex!" before giving us both a glare and closing my front door, a few minutes later her engine starts and we hear her drive off.

I look at Klaus who looks like he's trying to hold back a laugh, I slap him playfully.

"It's not funny!" I shriek when he finally gives in and chuckles.

"That's so embarrassing." I mutter heading to my room to get my bath things. Klaus hot on my heels.

"She's only looking out for you sweetheart." he says plopping down on my bed while I gather everything I need.

"I'm a vampire I can look after myself Klaus." I say childishly.

"It's always nice to know someone has your back no matter what love." Klaus says simply closing his eyes and resting back.

There is a contemplative silence while I finish getting bubble bath and my towels then, and I think hard about what Klaus said. No one ever had his back like that before, I think maudlin. Whatever this is between us it's electric.

It's thick and heady and you can feel it charge the atmosphere when we are together, one wrong touch and everything will explode; I know now that even after these few days spent together I couldn't go back to not having him in my life, the though scares me but also humbles me. I'll always have his back.

"I'm going to have a bath Klaus; do you want to come talk to me. Or you can rest there we can probably still hear each other." I rush to say when his eyes shoot open.

He throws me a smirk before standing gracefully "Lead the way sweetheart." he says fire in his eyes.

I lead him into the bathroom

I lead him into the bathroom

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